
主题:【原创】女人味 -- 煮酒正熟

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家园 So reminds me of Jane Austen

“The gentleness, modesty, and sweetness of her character were warmly expatiated on; that sweetness which makes so essential a part of every woman's worth in the judgment of man, that though he sometimes loves where it is not, he can never believe it absent.” -Jane Austen

家园 ...

gentleness = 温柔

modesty = 谦逊

sweetness = 可人(也包含温柔)

Jane Austin 用以上辞汇描摹的是一些外在的特质


通常来说,善良有爱心的女人都会表现的温柔可人;但也有些善良女性并不太温柔。否则就不会有“刀子嘴 豆腐心”的说法了 :-)

而且,外表温柔可人的女性,虽然照简-奥丝汀的说法 是男人们所追求的,但这样的女性未必都是善良和富于爱心的。尤其是对那些所谓的sophisticated and refined women 来说,将不很善良的自己装扮成温柔可人的样子并非难事。(实际上这就是她们的profession)





家园 Note the words in red

Most men tend to attribute their dream woman qualities to the woman they love even when she doesn't possess those qualities. I drew this conclusion from my personal experience and was quite delighted to learn that Jane Austen had similar discovery.

家园 老老实实请教一哈


that though he sometimes loves where it is not, he can never believe it absent

这个where it is not,这里的it指代的是什么呢?往前面找,却找不到相应的东西。

然后就是,it is not what?

家园 it指sweetness

though he sometimes loves the girl who's not sweet, he cannot believe it (the quality of being sweet) is absent in her.

Old english writers were good at making people pull out their hair sometimes. Fortunately, nowadays, no sane individual writes like this anymore.

家园 想你
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