
主题:【原创】唯心的先验的唯物主义 -- 东方射日

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Simon Groeblacher, Tomasz Paterek, Rainer Kaltenbaek, Caslav Brukner, Marek Zukowski, Markus Aspelmeyer & Anton Zeilinger, "An experimental test of non-local realism," Nature 446, 871-875 (19 April 2007).


多数在搞科研的科学家对于‘实在性’这个概念坚信不移,这种观念认为,有独立于观测的客观实在的存在。但量子力学已经粉碎了不少我们的基础信条。根据Bell定理,任何同时基于实在性和局域性(意谓:局域事件不能被类空间隔外的行为所影响)的理论都和量子力学的预测有出入。 关于纠缠的粒子对的实验已经充分证明了量子力学的预测,于是使那些局域实在性的理论都站不住脚。若仍将实在性作为一条基本概念予以维护,则必然需要引入幽灵般的超距作用。 在拙文中,我们从理论和实验上说明,相当合理的、广泛的一类非局域实在性的理论与实验测量到的量子关联相矛盾。实验中,我们测量两个纠缠光子之间的以前未被测试过的关联性,并且表明,这些关联性破坏了对于非局域实在性理论的Leggett不等式。我们的结果说明,仅仅放弃局域性的假设还不足以使得与量子实验相调和除非某些关于实在性的人们直觉的理解也被抛弃。

Most working scientists hold fast to the concept of 'realism'—a viewpoint according to which an external reality exists independent of observation. But quantum physics has shattered some of our cornerstone beliefs. According to Bell's theorem, any theory that is based on the joint assumption of realism and locality (meaning that local events cannot be affected by actions in space-like separated regions) is at variance with certain quantum predictions. Experiments with entangled pairs of particles have amply confirmed these quantum predictions, thus rendering local realistic theories untenable. Maintaining realism as a fundamental concept would therefore necessitate the introduction of 'spooky' actions that defy locality. Here we show by both theory and experiment that a broad and rather reasonable class of such non-local realistic theories is incompatible with experimentally observable quantum correlations. In the experiment, we measure previously untested correlations between two entangled photons, and show that these correlations violate an inequality proposed by Leggett for non-local realistic theories. Our result suggests that giving up the concept of locality is not sufficient to be consistent with quantum experiments, unless certain intuitive features of realism are abandoned.


所以,前沿物理学家的观点是:局域性和实在性二者不能得兼。 至于随机或是决定论,好像实验结果并没有带来什么限制条件。


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