
主题:这几天西媒比较过分 -- songcla

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家园 奇怪,此文何罪?



这篇文章的立场,中立得紧。逻辑严密,分析在理。唯一能挑出毛病的只有But, perhaps because they, too, have been subject to the party's propaganda一处。整体上看,文章无非是在说,现在是一个复杂的时期,而这种复杂的局面的形成,本身就有复杂而长远的历史原因,而且谴责在此时出来闹事的人。


While honest criticisms should not be muted just because Chinese leaders find them grating, we foreigners should be mindful of this complex psychological landscape. In reacting to contemporary events, we tend to forget just how deeply implicated we are in how China came to experience and view the modern world. This long relationship has created a still rather unyielding tension as each country interacts with the other. Despite the fact that China has gotten closer than ever to escaping from this past, it's important to understand that its leaders and people are still susceptible to older ways of responding to the world around them. Now is not the time to provoke them further and impede their progress toward a new, more equal and self-assured sense of nationhood.



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