
主题:两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题 -- Ready-Go

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家园 What matters here is the selling price!

I agree with Jlanu.

From the Auction, at price 100, if A buy the TV, she got net value: 100-(80-30)=50;

While B got the net value: 80-30=50

But if u check the original argument:

if discounted at 80%, A got net value:160*0.80-80+(160*0.2)/2=64; B got the net value:80-(160*0.2)/2=64. It is fair enough,right?

If discounted at 60%,similarly, both of them got the net value:48.

Thence, if they can sell the TV higher than 100, the Aucion(selling at 100) is not fair to B;

if sell lower than 100, then the Auction is unfair to A.

What matters here is the possible selling price.

So, ur method might be the most fair one---Just sell it.(I guess.)

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