
主题:贸易协定评述 -- 97年的鱼

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家园 贸易协定评述


China shall....

United States affirms that existing U.S. measure.....



China shall enumerate additional acts constituting trade secret misappropriation,


(a) electronic intrusions;

(b) breach or inducement of a breach of duty not to disclose information that is secret

or intended to be kept secret; and

(c) unauthorized disclosure or use that occurs after the acquisition of a trade secret

under circumstances giving rise to a duty to protect the trade secret from

disclosure or to limit the use of the trade secret.

3. China and the United States agree to strengthen cooperation on trade secret protection.

4. The United States affirms that existing U.S. measures afford treatment equivalent

to that provided for in this Article.


Food Safety

1. The Parties shall not implement food safety regulations, or require actions of the other

Party’s regulatory authorities, that are not science- or risk-based and shall only apply such

regulations and require such actions to the extent necessary to protect human life or health.

这里的疑惑是,什么是extent necessary, 是不是疯牛病就不算了?这里以后有得争。标准很模糊,至于你因为吃疯牛肉,得大脑空了的病,因为没有确定的science or risk based ,你们中国人先死上几百万,我们再确定是否有科学依据,反正签合同的人和做决定的人有特供,没风险。


Banking Services

1. The Parties acknowledge the importance of mutually beneficial cooperation to enhance

market access and strengthen the Parties’ respective banking services sectors.

2. China commits that when a qualified subsidiary of a U.S. financial institution provides or

seeks to provide securities investment fund custody services, its parent company’s overseas

assets shall be taken into consideration in order to fulfill applicable asset requirements. Within

five months after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, China shall allow branches of

U.S. financial institutions to provide securities investment fund custody services, and the parent

company’s overseas assets shall be taken into consideration in order to fulfill applicable asset

requirements. China shall review and approve qualified applications by U.S. financial

institutions for securities investment fund custody licenses on an expeditious basis.

3. China affirms that U.S. financial institutions applying to serve as Type-A lead

underwriters for all types of non-financial debt instruments shall be evaluated and granted

licenses based on the revised formula for granting lead underwriting licenses for non-financial

enterprise debt instruments, which takes into account U.S. financial institutions’ international

qualifications in order to fulfill applicable requirements for the entity seeking the license in


4. The United States acknowledges current pending requests by Chinese institutions,

including by CITIC Group, and affirms that such requests will be considered expeditiously.

就是说,你们要免除一切保护措施,容许我们进去,我们会好好考虑你们的进入要求。哈这文本平衡搞得。 我还在另外几处看见类似的条款,意思就是,我是爸爸,我想干什么就干什么,你得让我干,至于你也想干同样的事情,我给你一个面子,考虑一下。


家园 贸易协定评述 2



韩俊大概也察觉把食品检疫全部依靠美方不适当,所以加了个参加对方的食品联检系统 CACC on food import and export inspection and certification systems. 这是一个改进。但我认为这还不够好,中国的检疫不能缺失,但是应该从常规的检疫,改为集中在携带传染性病毒,造成长期性危害的生物种类,造成潜伏期长的有害物质的检疫,省得现有的那些设备人员闲置,并且增加了防线。尤其应该指出的是,这个协议一定会给中国生态体系带来大的危害,因为以前禁止的一些对环境危害生物种类没有被包括进去,如果蝇,有害的植物种子等。中国的某些农产品很可能会受到危害,而这个好像还不能作为理由退货。这就是密室政治带来的危害,把短期的个人和小集团的政治利益放在国家,民族长远利益之上。可是河里有些人,还天天的认为我胡说八道,居心叵测。这些人有时拿一些小东西去掩盖大的原则性问题。没办法,头脑懒惰的差别是不可弥补的。


这个协议里面还有一个有意思的东西,就是中方以后解决纠纷的谈判代表必须是designated vice premier, 这个指定的人是谁指定的?是谁?为什么必须加这一条? 根据过去大约两年的谈判过程迹象判断,这百分之九十是刘鹤。看样子我以前说他是卧底也没太错。他以前可是特别代表,哈.......



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