
主题:假如不能先知先觉,倒不如不知不觉算了,后知后觉是很伤感的 -- 完颜陈和尚

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家园 假如不能先知先觉,倒不如不知不觉算了,后知后觉是很伤感的

刚才午饭后,难得有半天空闲时间,所以一边上网逛论坛,一边品尝Earl Grey Tea。在写本篇之前,我在隔壁的坛写作业还债。边写边听随意挑的MP3歌曲,是在网上下载的。听到那首“你究竟有几个好妹妹”时候,忽然脑袋一闪,想起很多年前,回国度假。因为贪方便,经常一人在住所旁边的饭店吃晚饭。不久,跟那些年轻的服务员混得挺熟落。因此,某个晚上,我就请她们在下班后,在她们自己工作的饭店里开房,唱卡拉OK。一切就绪后,那位河南过来的,年轻貌美的经理就抢先拿起麦克风,说要为我唱首歌。然后她就很认真地唱起来,不时看看我。因为当时人多热闹,而且我当时是第一次听这首歌,所以没什么感受。到现在,我终于明白她的意思了,可惜可惜。她给我的地址早就不知所踪了,想再联络也不可能了。

恐怕不是所有网友都喝过Earl Grey Tea, 在下面有英文介绍,我的英语不好,请哪位帮忙翻译一下,谢谢。

Earl Grey tea is a black tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of bergamot oil extracted from the rind of the fragrant citrus fruit bergamot.

The blend is named after Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, who reputedly received a gift, probably a diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavoured with bergamot oil. The legend usually involves a grateful Chinese mandarin, although this blend of tea was first made from fermented black Indian and "Ceylonese" (Sri Lankan) teas. The Chinese have never been black tea drinkers and are unlikely to have had a recipe for Earl Grey to bestow on visitors, although over the years many other varieties have been used. Also, Charles Earl Grey never set foot in China.

The tea proved so popular in the Prime Minister's drawing room that his tea merchants, Twinings in the Strand, were given a sample and asked to come up with a close match. Twinings sold the first "Earl Grey's tea" in the British market. Twinings Earl Grey blend includes China tea, Indian Darjeeling, Ceylon, and a hint of Lapsang souchong, a strong, "smoky" black tea.

Twinings also has a similar tea called "Lady Grey" with Seville orange, lemon and bergamot. At the time it was believed the addition of fruits would counteract improper impulses that tea was widely believed to have upon the female temperament.

"Earl Green" is a popular name given to Earl Grey-like green teas, such as the Earl Grey Green flavour offered by the Bigelow tea company.

Earl Grey tea was the favourite tea of Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Fictional characters who preferred the tea include Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Sir Leigh Teabing from the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

Jacksons of Piccadilly claim that it was they who originated Earl Grey's Tea, the Second Earl Grey having given the recipe to Robert Jackson & Co. partner George Charlton in 1830; according to Jacksons the original recipe has been in constant production and has never left their hands. Theirs has been based on China tea since the beginning. This rivalry between the two tea brands continues despite both being owned by the same parent company today.

关键词(Tags): #Earl#Grey#Tea

本帖一共被 3 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 先知先觉有时反而是一种折磨.
家园 难道你有过先知先觉而引起的痛苦折磨?^_^


家园 正处在水深火热中呢,就是因为先知道先觉!

大和尚 说话更要积口德啊!

家园 啊,我看懂了,你是猪!
家园 抱歉,抱歉。


家园 猪就猪吧,反正我几十岁的人了。不跟你一般见识。^_^
家园 向猪致敬!


家园 小朋友,你大概还没有什么感情方面的遭遇吧。^_^很轻松呀
家园 嘿嘿,嘿嘿……小盆友略知一二……


家园 新年收到的第一朵花,谢谢!

祝动了凡心的花和尚 新年快乐,再也不要后知后觉!


家园 ....


家园 难道我写的东西也触动你心中的伤痕了?哎,都是我不好,正赶


家园 原来Adams最爱喝Grey啊


Startrek里的人也是。原来Nerd都喜欢Earl Grey。当个Nerd也不错。

家园 一个字




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