
主题:读了三体(英文版),来写点笔记感想 -- 鸿乾

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家园 基本上看了《Dark Forest》,感想是




Then, with a crunch, the ice beneath Luo Ji's feet broke and his body plunged straight into the water.

At the precise instant the icy water covered Luo Ji's head, he saw the stillness of the stars shatter. The starfield curled up into a vortex and scattered into turbulent, chaotic waves of silver. The biting cold, like crystal lightning, shot into the fog of his consciousness, illuminating everything. He continued to sink,. The turbulent stars overhead shrank into a fuzzy halo at the break into the ice above this head, leaving nothing but cold and inky blackness surrounding him, as he wasn't sinking tnto ice water, but had jumped into the blackness of space.

In the dead, lonely cold blackness, he saw the truth of the universe.

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