
主题:如果没有156项工程,建立独立工业体系有可能比真实历史更快。 -- 乾道学派

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家园 贴主如果不是别有用心,就是个没有实践经验的空想家




:收益多——销售额/ 销售收入、利润/ 利润率、新产品收入贡献比(NPRC)、核心技术/ 专利数。

:开发快——TTMa/ TTPb。

:质量好——客户满意度、缺陷率/ 返修率。





Technology Transfer and Early Industrial Development: Evidence from the Sino-Soviet Alliance


In this section, we study the effect of the physical capital and know-how transfers on the performance of the 304 plants built in the 20 steel industrial clusters. The richness of our data allows us to follow such plants every year from 1949 and 2000. We first show that plants that received Soviet physical capital had higher output and productivity relative to plants that did not receive any Soviet transfers in the short-run, but the effects disappeared over time, especially after China opened up to international trade in 1978. Plants that also

received the know-how transfer showed an additional increase in performance compared to plants that received only the physical capital transfer, that widened over time and in particular after 1978. We next rule out potential alternative explanations for our findings and we assess the role of other major historical events China experienced in the same time period. Finally, we show that our results hold if we extend the analysis to all plants part of the 156 Projects, for which we have data in 1985 and between 1998 and 2013.


在本节中,我们研究了物质资本和专有技术转让对20个钢铁产业集群中304个工厂绩效的影响。我们丰富的数据使我们能够从1949年到2000年每年跟踪这些工厂。我们首先表明,与短期内没有接受任何苏联转让的工厂相比,获得苏联物质资本的工厂具有更高的产量和生产率,但随着时间的推移,这种影响消失了,尤其是在1978年中国开放国际贸易之后。与仅接受实物资本转让的工厂相比,同样获得技术转让的工厂的绩效进一步提高,随着时间的推移,特别是在1978年之后,这种增长范围扩大了。接下来,我们排除了对我们的发现的潜在替代解释,并评估了中国在同一时期经历的其他重大历史事件的作用。最后,我们表明,如果我们将分析扩展到 156 个项目的所有工厂,我们掌握了 1985 年和 1998 年至 2013 年间的数据,我们的结果成立。

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