
主题:【翻译】纽约律师职业责任准则--第四章 -- 南方有嘉木

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                  • 家园 这样清醒的想法



                    这样清醒的想法真是难得。嘉木我的一个(让你看不起的)建议是不要太执着。什么时候 not have fun any more, 就该放手了。归根结底,还是follow your heart. 说声保重.

          • 家园 汗,这个能不能将就一下



            • 家园 先把公认几点意义给马大哥引一下:

              1. clients should be encouraged to be completely truthful with their attorneys, so that the attorney's legal advice can be based on all relevant facts;

              2. clients will be reluctant to seek an attorney's advice if they fear that their communications will be revealed to others; and

              3. by encouraging clients' communications with their attorneys, the privilege promotes voluntary compliance with laws and regulations.


              • 家园 我仔细领会了一下文件精神



      • 家园 这里的有一个区别应该注意


        • 家园 渔樵兄这里提及两个问题



          而就被告自述和律师调查之间的区别而言,我赞成D-Cady Herrick的观点,即:



          2. 法律问题:




          Issue #1

          One of your clients has stated repeatedly, "Just put me on the stand and I'll lie my way to an acquittal." Let's assume that you are 100% certain that your client intends to follow through with his promise to lie on the stand if called to testify. What must you do?

          Answer to Issue #1

          If a lawyer is certain that his client intends to commit perjury, the lawyer must first attempt to persuade the client to testify truthfully. If the client still intends to lie, the lawyer must threaten to reveal the client's intent to commit perjury to the judge. If the threat of disclosure does not alter the client's plan, then the lawyer must do whatever is necessary to prevent the commission of perjury by his client, including, but not limited to, disclosing his client's intent to lie to the judge.

          Issue #2

          A client that you're defending was arrested and booked under the name, "Benjamin Franklin." Throughout your representation, you hear several of his friends and relatives call him, "Sean." One day, you ask your client why people frequently refer to him as "Sean" as opposed to "Benjamin." Your client candidly reveals to you that "Benjamin" is not his real name. He explains that he provided the arresting officer a fake name in an attempt to conceal the fact that he had an arrest record dating back to the "Disco Crisis." As his attorney, must you inform the court? Additionally, are you ethically obligated to reveal to the court your client's true identity?

          Answer to Issue #2

          A criminal defense attorney, who learns that his client, a defendant in a criminal proceeding, is using an alias, may not inform the court of same. The reasons why the attorney shall not reveal his client's fake name to the court includes: The attorney-client privilege, the client's constitutional privilege against self-incrimination, and the client's constitutionally guaranteed right to effective assistance of counsel.

          However, an attorney must take action when their client is involved in an activity that would constitute commission of a crime or a fraud on the court. For example, if the client desired to testify at trial and insisted upon using his false name, then the attorney must advise the client that the attorney cannot aid the client in testifying unless the client is willing to divulge that the name under which the client was charged is not his real name. The attorney is obligated to attempt to persuade the client to respond to any questions truthfully or by asserting an appropriate privilege.

          If the client is successful in making a material misrepresentation to the court concerning his true identity, either during a trial or during any court proceeding, the attorney is obligated to take "reasonable remedial measures" to remedy the fraud on the court. Initially, an attorney must attempt to persuade the client to rectify the misrepresentation. If that fails, then the attorney must seek to withdraw, assuming that would remedy the situation. Because withdrawal will rarely remedy the fraud, the attorney may have to remedy the fraud on their own, assuming the client refuses to do so.

          If the court asks the attorney and/or the client any questions concerning the client's identity and/or prior record, they may answer truthfully only after the client decides, after consultation with counsel, that doing so is in his or her best interest. The client may also choose to decline to answer based on any applicable privilege.

          Issue #3

          A client that you're representing states, during her deposition, that she was "far away" from the crime scene on the day that the victim was shot. In fact, she states further that she was in California during the shooting, attending her cousins' graduation. You learn after the deposition that your client intentionally lied. The case is still pending. What, if anything, are you obligated to do?

          Answer to Issue #3

          Once an attorney learns that his client intentionally committed perjury during a deposition, he must immediately attempt to persuade that client to reveal the fraud to the court. If the client refuses to remedy the fraud herself, the attorney must withdraw from representation and must disclose the perjury committed by his client to the court.



          • 家园 这可太专业了


            同意你说的在客户没有必要保证一定要对律师讲出全部真情,也没有必要完全对律师讲实话。可山某的印象里,客户可以不说,但不可以在有记录的情况下说谎。在这个案例里,山某觉得应该是有Issue #3的情况吧。详情大概要去查法庭记录了,可大致上应该有一个类似的deposition,Conley说自己没杀人吧?也就是说从这一步开始,他就在prejury了。所以律师是有权撤消代理,并且向法庭告发。如果他告诉了律师他杀了人,那么律师可以不让他直接回答这个问题。而且在庭审的时候,律师也可以不让他出庭做证。因为Conley没告诉律师实情,正好解脱了律师。

            • 家园 是的,简单地说就是,







              1. 律师对客户所告知的信息负有保密义务;

              2. 在律师明知客户撒谎/做伪证时,律师须向法庭告知欺诈或伪证行为的存在,并有权拒绝继续代理。

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