
主题:两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题 -- Ready-Go

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      • 家园 看来兄台是个中高手,佩服佩服
      • 家园 堪称标准答案。河里高人辈出啊!
      • 家园 哇,原来经济学里有这么多好玩的,我,我,我心动了
        • 家园 Some advice

          The literature on auction is highly

          technical. You need a very good training

          in mathematics (particularly real

          analysis) to understand the journal articles and do your own research.

          Auction is a pretty hot topic at the

          moment. 3G mobile phone licence auctions

          around Europe show that a good auctin

          design means billions of dollars extra

          revenue for the government. And Ebay gives an easy and cheap way for economists to run experiment auctions to

          test economic theory.

          • 家园 大哥可否指点几篇经典的survey?



            • 家园 Re

              Paul Klemperer is the authority on

              auction design. His website is: www.paulklemperer.org.

              You can download his book "Auctions: Theory and Practice" from there. Part

              1.A is a good survey on auction literature, and part 2.A is a good

              introduction to its application. Another good survey is Ashenfelter and

              Graddy (2003) "Auctions and The Price of Art" in "Journal of Economic

              Literature. The classic papers in this field are Vickey(1961), Myerson(1981),

              Milgrom and Weber (1982). You can check full details of these papers from the

              surveys. Vickey (1961) won him Nobel Prize.

              Auctions on Ebay:

              One interesting phenomena on Ebay is sniping: a rush of bids in the last

              minute. There are several papers trying to explain it. Empirical studies run

              auction on ebay and analyse whether the bidding behaviour confirms the

              theretical predictions.

          • 家园 你说的是FCC AUCTION?
    • 家园 就一句,“匪类”千万别去搞国企改制。
    • 家园 虽然不懂经济,看这篇文章也算看出点道道来了


      但是,本姑娘没理狡三分,为什么 dutch auction 就比 english auction 和 Vickrey Auction 合理,为什么 open bid 在这个 case 里就比 seal bid 强,推给他让他想破脑袋去






    • 家园 这样行不行?


    • 家园 捅油油:人家是在谈Closed System的Game,你拉个外部条件来……



      要谈Game Theory,最近的知识经济是个很好的题材呢.

      • 家园 我朋友的一点解释



        I already have the answer for your question.

        Let us compare what A and B want.

        B: 1.Want to get as much money back as possible.

        2.Do not want to keep the TV.(It is called OPTION in Business terms)

        A: 1. Only want to give as little money back to B as possible, and don't care

        about the option of whether keeping the TV or not.

        B should pay more because B not only wants the money back but also

        wants the OPTION of not keeping the TV(B愿意不怕麻烦卖掉这个电视). The extra

        money paid is called PREMIUM in business term.

        Therefore, it is not unfair for B even if the TV is sold below market value

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