
主题:2010年诺贝尔经济学奖 -- 万里风中虎

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        • 家园 那只是因为凯恩斯理论错得离谱,他们只是重复了一下人们的常



          • 家园 我的帖子也没说这个理论不是常识


      • 家园 这是

        Christopher A. Pissarides 1972-2009年37年间62篇主要的文章,你任选一篇,我们讨论讨论吧。


        Christopher A. Pissarides, 2009. "The Unemployment Volatility Puzzle: Is Wage Stickiness the Answer?," Econometrica, Econometric Society, vol. 77(5), pages 1339-1369, 09. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Christopher A. Pissarides, 2008. "A new method to estimate time variation in the NAIRU - comments," Conference Series ; [Proceedings], Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. [Downloadable!]

        L. Rachel Ngai & Christopher A. Pissarides, 2008. "Employment Outcomes in the Welfare State," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 59(3), pages 413-436. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        L. Rachel Ngai & Christopher A. Pissarides, 2008. "Trends in Hours and Economic Growth," Review of Economic Dynamics, Elsevier for the Society for Economic Dynamics, vol. 11(2), pages 239-256, April. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Barbara Petrongolo & Christopher A. Pissarides, 2008. "The Ins and Outs of European Unemployment," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 98(2), pages 256-62, May. [Downloadable!]

        Christopher Pissarides, 2008. "EconomicDynamics Interviews Christopher Pissarides on the Matching Function," EconomicDynamics Newsletter, Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 10(1), November. [Downloadable!]

        L. Rachel Ngai & Christopher A. Pissarides, 2007. "Structural Change in a Multisector Model of Growth," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 97(1), pages 429-443, March. [Downloadable!]

        Christopher A. Pissarides & Giovanna Vallanti, 2007. "The Impact Of Tfp Growth On Steady-State Unemployment," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 48(2), pages 607-640, 05. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Azariadis, Costas & Pissarides, Christopher A., 2007. "Unemployment dynamics with international capital mobility," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 27-48, January. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Christopher A. Pissarides, 2007. "Unemployment And Hours Of Work: The North Atlantic Divide Revisited," International Economic Review, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania and Osaka University Institute of Social and Economic Research Association, vol. 48(1), pages 1-36, 02. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Barbara Petrongolo & Christopher Pissarides, 2006. "Scale Effects in Markets with Search," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 116(508), pages 21-44, 01. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Other versions:

        Petrongolo, Barbara & Pissarides, Christopher, 2006. "Scale effects in markets with search," Open Access publications from London School of Economics and Political Science http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/, London School of Economics and Political Science. [Downloadable!]

        Petrongolo, Barbara & Pissarides, Christoper A., 2003. "Scale Effects in Markets with Search," IZA Discussion Papers 691, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). [Downloadable!]

        Petrongolo, Barbara & Pissarides, Christopher, 2002. "Scale Effects in Markets with Search," CEPR Discussion Papers 3648, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Barbara Petrongolo & Christopher A. Pissarides, 2003. "Scale Effects in Markets with Search," CEP Discussion Papers dp0571, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE. [Downloadable!]

        Christopher Pissarides & Dale Mortensen, 2005. "Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides receive IZA Prize in Labor Economics," Journal of Population Economics, Springer, vol. 18(4), pages 583-586, November. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Amiti, Mary & Pissarides, Christopher A., 2005. "Trade and industrial location with heterogeneous labor," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 67(2), pages 392-412, December. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Fonseca, Raquel & Lopez-Garcia, Paloma & Pissarides, Christopher A., 2001. "Entrepreneurship, start-up costs and employment," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 45(4-6), pages 692-705, May. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A., 2001. "Employment protection," Labour Economics, Elsevier, vol. 8(2), pages 131-159, May. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Barbara Petrongolo & Christopher A. Pissarides, 2001. "Looking into the Black Box: A Survey of the Matching Function," Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Association, vol. 39(2), pages 390-431, June. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Christofer A. Pissarides, 2000. "Monetary and Fiscal Policy with and without the Euro Patterns in Neighboring Areas," Ekonomia, Cyprus Economic Society and University of Cyprus, vol. 4(1), pages 1-18, Summer.

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1999. "Policy Influences on Unemployment: The European Experience," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 46(4), pages 389-418, September. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Mortensen, Dale T & Pissarides, Christopher A, 1999. "Unemployment Responses to 'Skill-Biased' Technology Shocks: The Role of Labour Market Policy," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 109(455), pages 242-65, April. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A., 1998. "The impact of employment tax cuts on unemployment and wages; The role of unemployment benefits and tax structure," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 42(1), pages 155-183, January. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Dale T. Mortensen & Christopher A. Pissarides, 1998. "Technological Progress, Job Creation and Job Destruction," Review of Economic Dynamics, Elsevier for the Society for Economic Dynamics, vol. 1(4), pages 733-753, October. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1997. "Learning by Trading and the Returns to Human Capital in Developing Countries," World Bank Economic Review, Oxford University Press, vol. 11(1), pages 17-32, January.

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1994. "Search Unemployment with On-the-Job Search," Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 61(3), pages 457-75, July. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Mortensen, Dale T & Pissarides, Christopher A, 1994. "Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment," Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 61(3), pages 397-415, July. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A. & Wadsworth, Jonathan, 1994. "On-the-job search: Some empirical evidence from Britain," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 38(2), pages 385-401, February. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Bean, Charles & Pissarides, Christopher, 1993. "Unemployment, consumption and growth," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 37(4), pages 837-854, May. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1992. "Loss of Skill during Unemployment and the Persistence of Employment Shocks," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, MIT Press, vol. 107(4), pages 1371-91, November. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1991. "Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries," World Bank Economic Review, Oxford University Press, vol. 5(2), pages 207-29, May.

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1991. "Real Wages and Unemployment in Australia," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 58(229), pages 35-55, February. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A & McMaster, Ian, 1990. "Regional Migration, Wages and Unemployment: Empirical Evidence and Implications for Policy," Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford University Press, vol. 42(4), pages 812-31, October. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1989. "Unemployment and Macroeconomics," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 56(221), pages 1-14, February. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Meghir, Costas & Ioannides, Yannis & Pissarides, Christopher, 1989. "Female participation and male unemployment duration in Greece: Evidence from the labour force survey," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 33(2-3), pages 395-406, March. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Jackman, R & Layard, Richard & Pissarides, C, 1989. "On Vacancies," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 51(4), pages 377-94, November.

        Pissarides, Christopher A. & Weber, Guglielmo, 1989. "An expenditure-based estimate of Britain's black economy," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(1), pages 17-32, June. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A & Wadsworth, Jonathan, 1989. "Unemployment and the Inter-regional Mobility of Labour," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 99(397), pages 739-55, September. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A., 1989. "Unemployment consequences of an aging population: An application of insider-outsider theory," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 33(2-3), pages 355-366, March. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Other versions:

        Pissarides, C., 1988. "Unemployment Consequences Of An Aging Population: An Application Of Insider-Outsider Theory," Papers 327, London School of Economics - Centre for Labour Economics.

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1988. "The Search Equilibrium Approach to Fluctuations in Employment," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 78(2), pages 363-68, May. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1987. "Wages and Employment: A Framework for Analysis with Application to Three Policy Issues," The Economic Record, The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 63(183), pages 301-12, December.

        Pissarides, Christopher, 1987. "Mass unemployment : A review essay," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 20(1), pages 183-188, July. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1987. "Search, Wage Bargains and Cycles," Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 54(3), pages 473-83, July. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1986. "Trade Unions and the Efficiency of the Natural Rate of Unemployment," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 4(4), pages 582-95, October. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1985. " Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages with Trade Unions," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 87(2), pages 386-403.

        Ioannides, Yannis M & Pissarides, Christopher A, 1985. "Monopsony and the Lifetime Relation between Wages and Productivity," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 3(1), pages 91-100, January. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1985. "Short-run Equilibrium Dynamics of Unemployment Vacancies, and Real Wages," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 75(4), pages 676-90, September. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1985. "Taxes, Subsidies, and Equilibrium Unemployment," Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 52(1), pages 121-33, January. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1984. "Search Intensity, Job Advertising, and Efficiency," Journal of Labor Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 2(1), pages 128-43, January. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, C A, 1984. "Efficient Job Rejection," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 94(376a), pages 97-108, Supplemen. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Alogoskoufis, George & Pissarides, Christopher A, 1983. "A Test of Price Sluggishness in the Simple Rational Expectations Model: U.K. 1950-1980," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 93(371), pages 616-28, September. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1983. "Efficiency Aspects of the Financing of Unemployment Insurance and Other Government Expenditure," Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 50(1), pages 57-69, January. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Yannis M. Ioannides & Christopher A. Pissarides, 1983. "Wages and Employment With Firm-Specific Seniority," Bell Journal of Economics, The RAND Corporation, vol. 14(2), pages 573-580, Autumn. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1982. "Job Search and the Duration of Layoff Unemployment," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, MIT Press, vol. 97(4), pages 595-612, November. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1982. "From School to University: The Demand for Post-Compulsory Education in Britain," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 92(367), pages 654-67, September. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1981. "Staying-on at School in England and Wales," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 48(192), pages 345-63, November. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, C A, 1980. "The Wealth-Age Relation with Life Insurance," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 47(188), pages 451-57, November. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1980. "British Government Popularity and Economic Performance," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 90(3593), pages 569-81, September. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Zabalza, A. & Pissarides, C. & Barton, M., 1980. "Social security and the choice between full-time work, part-time work and retirement," Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 14(2), pages 245-276, October. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, C A, 1979. "Job Matchings with State Employment Agencies and Random Search," Economic Journal, Royal Economic Society, vol. 89(356), pages 818-33, December. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1978. "Liquidity Considerations in the Theory of Consumption," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, MIT Press, vol. 92(2), pages 279-96, May. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1978. "The Role of Relative Wages and Excess Demand in the Sectoral Flow of Labour," Review of Economic Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 45(3), pages 453-67, October. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1976. "Job Search and Participation," Economica, London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 43(169), pages 33-49, February. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, Christopher A, 1974. "Risk, Job Search, and Income Distribution," Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press, vol. 82(6), pages 1255-67, Nov.-Dec.. [Downloadable!] (restricted)

        Pissarides, C A, 1972. "A Model of British Macroeconomic Policy, 1955-1969," The Manchester School of Economic & Social Studies, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 40(3), pages 245-59, September.

        本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
        • 这是
          家园 这些只是过程,并不能掩盖结论只是普通的常识



          • 家园 hehe, you are too smart.
















            • 家园 老虎真够犀利的,呵呵。
            • 家园 回复有宝吗?

              没有营养 纯支持

            • 家园 医学给了我们奎宁,青霉素。。





              每一个都解决了一些实际问题,让我们可以有更多的时间做我们真正想做的事情。so they are enabling sciences.

              经济学,on the other hand, does not make things easier, or provide solution, in absolute terms. And it takes time (certainty) away from us. So it's a disabling science.


              • 家园 "经济学“在搞破坏方面倒是很有力的,诸如休克疗法的经济学
                • 家园 理论和实践还是有距离的


                  • 家园 问题更在于人家想用理论达成什么样的实践效果





                    ---《宏观金融风险-理论,历史和现实》刘立峰著 中国发展出版社2000年版






                    • 家园 脑血栓和胃出血吃同一种药么?


                      • 家园 里根政府提高利率是想利用外国资本同时打击国内工人阶级







                  • 家园 经济学家和民主人士类似的是



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