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主题:实体经济的困局,是缺钱吗? -- cgangcm
就像前一阵子人民日报发文《反腐非反职工福利》,作为曾经国有企业的一员,我要说反腐是好事情,反正只要不是既得利益都支持,但是附带的反腐的结果很可能是真正的腐败分子还没死,底下干事的员工已经活的很艰难了,有人说够吃够喝就不会造反,那就当我没说。现实的情况是既得利益就像是癌症,国家有多少资源都优先被他们占据,资源不足他们还会优先占据其他人的资源,如果不能定向把他们除掉而是通过简单的紧缩,其结果就好像要饿死癌症病人体内的癌细胞 ,先死的往往是正常细胞(不过目测最近好像研究出了可以饿死癌细胞的方法)
I know my language is wield and sorry for that, it is a "china model":
"毛林共识"政治模型下, 搞活经济確實有餘地, how to translate it into English? it is not a language issue, it is a 模型 issue; and this kind of "china model" is a challenge to everybody's brain.
now, "毛林共识"政治模型下, 搞汽车业经济和房产业经济
gpp 7% for how many years already?
despite of all kinds of capital waste and political corruption of 物理学奇迹 level;
but again, for whatever reasons, "majority" of Chinese people support TG's "毛林共识"政治模型下, 搞经济; 那咱继续搞(:), again, how to understand and translate in english this kind of 脑残 social science of "china model"?
this is why I keep saying, have your children study physics, English, yesterday, and you 搞 money under "china model", get it?
now, x&l wants to play the same game, and wants to play it better, do things such like "政府现在要做的就是培育汽车业和房产业的小米"
again, this is 林毅夫's copycat model, it will work to some extent, for industries such as 汽车业和房产业.
咱继续搞: 不搞冠军搞亚军
as I said, this "毛林共识"政治模型搞经济 underwritten by 林毅夫's copycat model will work to those low-to-mid tier industries, how far It can go? we don't know, but it looks like 搞活汽车业和房产业 which is basically 城镇化, another 10 years is a piece of cake.
then what is problem? the problem is likely 政治问题, I don't really know, just guessing.
fundamentally, TG top is forward looking, in terms of TGtop=information processing system for china, kind of like US capital market is a forward information processing system for the white world.
information processing is by its nature a fundamentally forward looking model.
TG top is looking beyond 搞活汽车业和房产业, or in trader's language, that part is already priced in.
what they are forward looking about? I don't know.
forward looking translated in Chinese:
今天搞王体超,爽啊, 明天搞李游泳?
"集庆彪" raised this question, kind of indirectly.
now, logically speaking, I think TG top will not "把自身的利益凌驾在民族和国家利益之上"
again, "will"=we don't care about the past, we care about tomorrow.
then it is all about "毛林共识"政治模型
a challenge for TG top, fundamentally a change for Chinese nation.
kind of why "集庆彪" raised this question.
that may be a worldwide question.
get it, TG top?
now, Chinese 人民 would not care that much, having been brain washed by "毛林共识" for how many years, now with its new version of china dream BS?
TG top would worry about whom?
TG top worry about the global capital market.
if TG top continues to play "毛林共识", then TG top has to pay a huge risk premium to capital, in terms of preventing capital out flow etc;
and in terms of 私有化, 用孩子喂狼;
now, capital market doesn't really care which way TG top is going, but they care what kind of options TG top has, and market will price them accordingly.
for TG top:
you either give me the damned 孩子, and I will take it;
or you guys as politicians get your ass out of my way: 宪政化, 军队国家化;
which way to go?
for now, X is testing out 用孩子喂狼.
if not 用孩子喂狼, then let look at 宪政化, 军队国家化 option.
basically, in white's model, government as 守夜人, government will not get paid much, and you have to kiss capital market's ass just to get elected into office for limited terms, and not many 游泳 girl of national team for you to fxxk at your will...
as of today. it is almost impossible for TG top, or those next TG top to even think that way.
then, "集庆彪" may be right, and sing with me, "china dream".
to be brief
more about "政府守夜人"模型
even TG top admits that in today's information sensitive and possibly quasi-quantum physics based global capitalist (or the name should be changed to information-capitalist) economy, 政府让市场 to manage 产业升级 etc, because fundamentally, even for superman TG top, it has everything, but no information, no models, to understand or manage business such as 产业升级;
therefore, a 理想环境 "政府守夜人"模型: government does not contribute much information at all for the system, therefore government should be paid only as a 守夜人.
and we know, everyday, even in mainland china, you have those information contributor becomes 资本家 overnight, with money saved from government, system can rewards those information contributor even more, often at high premium, and discounting any information lacking BS, whatever or whomever it may be. period.
yes, uncle sam 亡我之心不死 (more of 政权更替 game than anything else, and even 政权更替 game is almost impossible for uncle sam to play it out, yes, never say never).
then, why Mao as a head trader shorted US and longed Soviet, and "all in", with his ass totally unhedged?
well, that was Mao's first international trade, understandable;
then, around year 2000, 中华邦联 of tw and 新加坡 opportunity, what 386 was doing then, fxxking that army hooker? understandable again?
with that "中华邦联 of tw and 新加坡", TG could build a huge Long China position 盘子 across almost entire Asian-pacific area, potentially a global game changer.
that is why I keep saying that Chinese nation as a whole lacks ALGO power, lacks a overall system to generate and grow ALGO power, in all the aspects of Chinese society.
"摸着石头过河" under "毛林共识"政治模型 is not an ALGO ("毛林共识"政治模型 is naked ass, still unhedged), it is not a modern system, it is a farmer's business model back in ancient china when Chinese farmers 靠天吃饭.
now, TG has "successfully" (?) modernized Chinese nation with Marxism and white technology, but china is still operating "毛林共识"政治模型, which is huge tax to the whole Chinese society, in terms of financial and all kind of 资源.
and most importantly perhaps, "毛林共识"政治模型 and with its all kinds of new "social science"derivatives of every day has been basically 脑残 Chinese nation.
overall, mainland china today=半封建, 半殖民地(Marxism and western technology), a global military power (global reach?) and economic power(global reach), and regional/ domestic political power?
kind of why Chinese elite send their money and kids mostly to US?
why? did we say TG top has been very smart? yes,
but TG is basically 内战内行 外战外行, and in today's globalized capital market, Tgchina's risk is at system level, and much higher compared to other major countries such as USA, as long as TG top is running "毛林共识"政治模型.
they have to.
those smart guys are not going to risk ass under "毛林共识"政治模型, naked ass, still unhedged and fundamentally a high risky model running the whole chines nation, "all in" again.
Unless, TG top can become a global market maker, have "毛林共识"政治模型 fxxled into white ass, all over the earth.
well, that may be a risk white has to hedge heavily, if 386 was not fxxking that army hooker and forgot to go to work the second day (:)
for now, it is a china dream, a domestic version inside GFW.
why not "看准了, naked ass, all in"?
"witten1" did some posts on 测不准原理 and other qm posts;
basically, social system (a forward looking and a dissipative system) is even worse, even you manage to find a 边界 for the system, how about the degree of freedoms, and how about the coupling and interaction among those degree of freedoms?
I posted a little about how difficult it has been to build a qm model at 分子 (such as DNA) level: basically too many degree of freedoms, and coupling among them.
if you cannot really model a 分子 system, then how to model a human system full of TG and uncle sam and their troops(:)?
so the risk is inherent, and is hard to hedge, so what to do? never "all in", and go slow;
often Chinese people laugh at US system: how come you guys are so slow, if our uncle TG is here, he will get it done over night;
well, yes, you all in overnight, and when market opens the next morning, all those white wolves are staring at you with bloody eyes, with you in the center and totally naked.
is this where tgchina is now? kind of?
with Europe is zero growth, etc, tgchina's situation is not that bad at all, but never say never, and largely to hedge that nightmare scenario, X is likely continue to tighten up "毛林共识"政治模型.
""Information stays and moves around in a GR world, with "blackhole" included, 能量(信息)守恒, 霍金辐射=出来混总是要还的"
for now, 用孩子喂狼.
孙昌璞 信息处理本质上是一个物理过程( ↑0 ↓0. 1 ... ustc website, 段路明郭光灿量子信息讲座.
"在时空中 度量结构(距离)的定义 是个物理问题"
changshou: 几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型
does everybody have to understand 物理? of course not, but you have to have top universities with top physicists;
and that top 物理 (世界观 level) information has to find its way into other social science areas of society.
I have talked about hedging as a 物理世界观;
and another "物理世界观": as a modern society, you have to have multiple information processing systems, for them to compete and sometimes to discuss with each other, to fight the dark war of the next day, when market opens in the morning.
and those multiple information processing systems are embedded into different social political and economic organizations independent of each other, not "coupled", so each of them could contribute valuable information to the system, and independent of each other, reducing 相关 risk, etc.
in that sense, white's 普氏 system of economics and politics, is just as important in terms of risk hedging, and it is a "物理世界观" concept, which is very hard for Chinese nation to comprehend, a nation with a 文科世界观 of 5k years, now that with that 文科世界观 having been updated on to Marxism level, by TG, and it almost sounds like a science.
hedging, balancing and "go slow"(if you cannot quantify the risk, how to hedge?)=社会物理学公理 #1.
how much Chinese nation has been paying for Mao's 1 person trades of international macros since 1949?
and the tricky part: Marxism does offer a very insightful view of social economic system, with its many pieces really look like a science, even a beauty, to some extent.
汉密尔顿ABC,陈王奋起挥黄钺, hullo, they all offered some good views of Marxism as a model.
but, like anything, Marxism has to be hedged.
Marxism propaganda as a 宇宙真理 embodied in 伟光正?
did I say china is still a 半封建 society?
Marxism as a model still commands power, and most white never get it, and TG in a way did get it.
what is even more tricky is Marxism as a model could work from now on as a headfake to TG: faking TG top into a over self confidence trap, etc, accumulating more cost and less benefit of Marxism modelling, and they don't know it.
when a position starts eating into you, you either close it out, cutting loss, or putting some hedge. you have to do something, you can not just sit over your fat ass doing 惯性运动.
in a social system, a small and local risk could get out of control and snowball into a global risk, eating anybody on its way, bloody.
again, that is a "物理世界观", and TG top is basically a bounce of 文科世界观 politicians.
specifically, that is quite bit of risk there for chairman X, he had very limited education, and full of Marxism 文科世界观, like many of his red gen II buddies.
so, you basically have a bounce of 文科世界观 politicians all "coupled" together running a 文科世界观 nation without any other real independent information processing system whatsoever?
this is why I keep saying that start your children in physics and English, yesterday.
Chinese social science is full of "risks"(:)
TGchina is a "all in one" top heavy information processing system, and at TG top level only.
I would think that uncle sam's all kinds of teams have been running all kinds of models, with one goal:
how to break this damned top heavy uncle Tg with his pocket full of money, sitting atop of mountain of full of risks, and almost at the edge of falling apart?
if he falls from top, everybody gets a share of his money, sounds good?(:)
feeling his ass a little 痒痒 or pain, chairman X tells his troops: run the damned "毛林共识" ALGO, shoot anybody who dares stand up on our way, whomever he might be.
omg, watch out, baby(:)
日本的情况, [ 集庆彪 ]
German is very rich with all kinds of manufacturing 产业链, 生物圈;
US is super rich with all kinds high tech, service 产业链, 生物圈
can US TPP make it to some kind of 产业链, 生物圈?
"美国的再工业化及TPP" puma2011
economic 生物 under 私有制 is basically "走夜路", I have personally done 实体经济 before, extremely hard, even harder than "走夜路"
so where and how to get your information when "走夜路"?
economic 生物 survives by basically 交换相位信息 with each other, 生物圈;
why 相位?
kind of like 德布罗意相位波, 不是明显的波, but much rich in terms of information
明显的波 like 电磁波 is not worth your money, much less information, you have to know something less-public, basically.
now, can government provide those kind of "相位" information? sometimes superman politicians like uncle TG will tell you he can, but where and how does he get that "相位" information all the economic 生物 are looking for?
no government can do it.
what government can do is trying to set up some kind of 原教旨资本主义 social economic structure, such like USA, providing some kind of 温度 environment, then all the economic 生物 of 私有制 type will all go there in a crowd, and they will set up a information processing system among themselves, basically a capital market, as their 相位场;
with that 相位场, they may feel confident enough that they can manage their risk and getting needed information to "走夜路".
and as we know, still a huge percentage of them will get lost, or killed "走夜路", doing any business is hard, even bloody.
now, "毛林共识"政治模型 is fundamentally anti 原教旨资本主义
knowing that, TG top used to try 政治改革 trick and 打右灯, 往右拐
Uncle Sam: wait a minute, you guys cannot copy my models, containing china, 政权变更, etc;
Uncle TG: scared, more and more "毛林共识", and 打左灯, 往右拐
but those economic 生物 are not stupid, and actually they may be smarter than everybody else, in terms of economic and financial information processing for their own survival and growth.
they will ask uncle TG for a huge risk premium.
Uncle Sam
state department: you guys work your ass off , get that TPP going somewhere;
CIA: what you "zero dark" team has been doing? where is fire and smoke? and any progress about 政权变更(:)?
Uncle TG: more and more "毛林共识"
"毛林共识" has likely become a pivotal point already for Uncle Sam to squeeze Uncle TG
"中央的人并不是笨蛋", I totally agree, and I do think they have a good heart as well, but they have a "model" problem.
when you are put into a 爱因斯坦电梯, it is not about if you are a 笨蛋 or not 笨蛋.
you are just trapped, baby.
by the way, when 爱因斯坦 conducted that famous 爱因斯坦电梯"思想实验",he was inside (思想实验)that "爱因斯坦电梯", and he feels totally trapped, from there on, GR.
at the time, there was no 航天 yet, and 航天失重, "爱因斯坦电梯" were a purely 思想实验, 先验论.
爱因斯坦's super modeling power.
it is time for china to switch models, get over with "毛林共识".
can china manage to do that model switching with Uncle Sam squeezing TG from everywhere?
does TG top even know that they are trapped inside "爱因斯坦电梯" ?
that is why I agree that 中央的人并不是笨蛋, and at this point, X's top team's 屁股 are fairly ok (:?) too, if they fails, where do they go?
there is no where they can go.
and they will be facing Uncle Sam's constant short squeezing. tough.
中央的人的屁股 may be a problem in the past, not now.
as the top elite of Chinese society, and as smart as they are, they have got a 物理世界观 problem, huge problem.
that is what I have been trying to say, I don't really care about their 屁股 anymore;
my model is independent of their 屁股(:), so I can be bullet proof, and hedge myself, because I have never seen 中央的人的屁股, and I don't know how to model 中央的人的屁股, so I kick it out as a degree of freedom from my model(:).
finally, I got to this point, and I hope I have articulated fairly clearly.
now, can 中央的人与人民心连心, 屁股连屁股, yes, they can, but doing that for what?
although politically running "毛林共识", 中央的人 cares most about global capital market (now china a big part of it), they have no choice.
one a hooker, a hooker forever.
now we are on "hooker":
around year 2000, 中华邦联 of tw and 新加坡 opportunity, what 386 was doing then, fxxking that army hooker? understandable again?
How did TG top handle that 中华邦联 thing? any information?
Feynman's Ants - MathPages
The solid wavy line represents the first ant's path. According to Feynman, the second ant follows the first path, but sometimes he “would go straight out, as if he ...
8月30日我写了印度莫迪的主动出击 vs 远交近攻, 就意识到印度的不善和问题的严重,不过没有
席访巴,希望访问尽早成行,以促进中巴两国间的互利合作。” 拿中巴这类“兄弟”关系,都出事了。
to be brief
and get over with "为人民服务" Maoism or Marxism.
For TG top collectively, "屁股决定脑袋" should never even been an issue, as said, and I have written so much last couple of day, that TG top has a 物理世界观 or model problem, and that big problem has nothing to do with their 屁股.
and in general, and collectively, it is safe to assume, that most political elite of most major nations are all trying working for the best of their national interest.
TG top 屁股: all dirty or all clean, it does not matter, it would not change their 物理世界观 ;
even if their 屁股 are all clean, and Chinese people all feel good, china's major economic problem are still here to stay.
why? because global capital market does not care about TG top 屁股, in doing their risk pricing.
and actually, with those all clean 屁股 TG top, the risk may be even higher(:).
making sense?
刘亚洲's piece I quoted kind of helps
and I know it is hard to explain my logic.
but basically,
yes, "为人民服务" is Maoism's top philosophy of mao's social economic system design.
and yes, that is completely "wrong", unless china is isolated from global capitalism with its formation started post World War II, and 刘亚洲's piece kind of talked about that a bit.
and I have talked about that modern social economic system's top priority is to promote innovation and growth.
and because innovation and growth are rewarded with huge premium, 人民 often get "剥削: with hugely discounted wages.
and please be noted, this huge premium discount income gap is one trick of system's 动力学机制, as brutal as it is.
now, yes, you would have a diminishing consumer power issue, but that is a different issue.
unless china can totally isolate itself from this global heatbath, 资本主义热传导 into china is unstoppable.
and that makes TG top's 毛林共识 algo running even more 脑残 damaging.
because the whole Chinese nation has been and is still brainwashed by "毛林共识", there has been a constant chaos of logic all over the place.
and as I said, even TG top knows the superior importance of global capital market for TG and for china, they cannot say it, and when they have to say something, they talk in the language and logic of "china model" with all kinds of 矛盾
and within that "china model"语言环境 filled with all kinds of logic 矛盾, people of all levels of Chinese society are arguing with each other all over the place.
that is why I keep saying that Chinese social science is full of "BS": it is basically a very confusing 语言环境 and 思想环境, created by "china model" itself.
and with chairman X periodically hitting button of 毛林共识 ALGO, all these 语言环境 and 思想环境 will be injected with all kinds of 脑残辐射, as I said many times before.
those 辐射, even if not 脑残, will consumes a lot of your brain cells.
so, what is the point?
TG top is facing a huge model problem, and they may not even have a clue about it.
but that model problem and its impact is seen in all aspects of Chinese society, period.
and it will get worse.
this is speculative, and the Russian piece I don't know much.
and to be brief, out of my limited reading and memory
Russia's "lesson"
since soviet falling apart, and for a while, Russian's 普京 actually supported Uncle Sam in 阿富汗, etc, trying kissing the ass of Uncle Sam, and what Uncle Sam has been doing in return? NATO has almost expanded all the way to Russian's border.
when commenting on Russian's recent invasion of Ukraine, many America commentators acknowledged that "we over fxxked 普京".
yes, Russian still got some kind of 核潛艇 advantages over Uncle Sam, and may not want to give it up, 裁军不合作, etc.
now, china.
Assume one day TG decides to give up on "毛林共识"政治模型, and go "white" and go "普世" politically, what would uncle sam do?
headfake first: we all welcome china to join the world of peace and prosperity, etc;
and privately, by the way, you china guys don't need to have an unfriendly and oversized military power, impacting regional military equilibrium etc..
then, and if you china 裁军不合作 etc, we will figure out a way to squeeze you, just like what we did to Russia.
and a friend just visited Russia: terrible inflation, and everybody was asking everybody: how about your immigration visa?
Russian has been slowly bleeding and fading away?
and if I remember correctly, Russian/soviet union have never had a direct war with Uncle Sam.
and of course, with Soviet help and for whatever reasons, Maochina had a bloody Korean war with Uncle Sam.
and yes, Mao shorted Uncle Sam, longed Soviet right after 1949 victory, and all in, zero hedge, long before Korean war.
May be Mao was thinking when starting Korean war: well, I already fxxked you uncle sam in 1949, orally, now I am going to do it real (:).
and yes, Maochina indirectly fought against Uncle Sam in Vietnam for how many years?
老美记仇, who does not?
particularly, as a market maker, 记仇 is your job, and you have to make the other side pay you back zillion times more, so he remembers, and market remembers.
otherwise, you are not a market maker.
as said, Uncle Sam will keep playing headfake to trick Uncle Tg, and Uncle Tg will never give up hope of buying out Uncle Sam by 用孩子喂狼, while 坚持"毛林共识"政治模型 algo running all the time, 24/7, they got money, and human troops of all kinds, just do it, at whatever cost.
and Uncle Sam will take Uncle Tg's 孩子, so Uncle Tg will get weaker and weaker, then one day when market opens in the morning, all the white and yellow wolves are right there, again staring at Uncle Tg with its ass naked at center, all with red eyes:
血债要用血来还, N年不晚.
never say never.
now, does TG top have a model for that N年 moment?
or 摸石头过河 again?
more likely than not: once a farmer, a farmer forever.
TG top started as a group of super smart farmers, and they 自学 Soviet 党校 textbooks and played their trades very smartly during world war II, and took over mainland china in 1949.
now their children, red gen II are running the show.
and it seems that majority of Chinese people of all social ranks respect their TG top very well.
why not? a society's elite is always the elite of that society.
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kind of a quick and dirty analogy
qm part
德布罗意相位波, with contributions from all 量子数, global, kind of like 市场信息处理 process
now, at some point
德布罗意相位波"相干", 电子出现概率最大, or some kind of innovation and/or growth driver are picked up or voted out by market, now these 电子/企业guys emerge out locally;
but without global information processing/市场信息处理 by all market participants globally, 德布罗意相位波"相干", 电子出现概率最大/创新成长企业 business models emerging out would not happen at all, or you have fake ones coming out
now, with "毛林共识"政治模型 running Chinese society, you have to pay much higher risk premium to capital;
not only that, you have all kinds "毛林" 干部 faking out normal 市场信息处理, and producing all kinds of faking information, and fake 创新成长企业/business models
result: much higher capital cost, much lower capital return.
"毛林共识"政治模型 is a cancer in terms of china economic development. period.
but it seems politically, tg top thinks that china must go with "毛林共识"政治模型, period.
"real"相位场, or 规范场 of more advanced version: prof Yang did a lot of pioneering work.