主题:【翻译】对朝鲜战争步兵战斗与武器使用的评注(1950冬—1951年) -- 徐荣
Winter of 1950-1951
The Johns Hopkins University
Chevy Chase, Maryland
作者:S. L. A. Marshall准将
The word “mass” has been used quite loosely in descriptions of enemy operations circulated in this country. Press accounts have given the impression that the Chinese attack in great numbers closely concentrated. Some official documents have also used the term rather indiscriminately, thus furthering the belief that broad targets are frequently presented to all weapons. There have been some targets of this character. For example, in the assault against 23rd Infantry Regiment positions in Chipyong-ni in early February, CCF pressed forward in fairly solid ranks, and were cut down in large numbers within small areas.
But intense concentrations are the exception. The Chinese do not characteristically employ mass, for example, in the way that the Red Army used it against the Germans in operations in the Ukraine during World War II, coming on in such numbers that the human sea absorbed and ultimately smothered the fire volume. Rather, in the attack, CCF tend to move against our works in multiple, thin lines, well spaced each from the other, after having deployed out of column in the last phase of the approach.The approach column may be single file, or even a regiment moving four abreast, depending on the situation and the size of the attack force.
The nature of the ground also compounds the fire problem, since it induces greater dispersion. The ridges are not evenly bottomed or sided. There are frequent bulges, outcroppings, draws, and small ravines. In consequence, even when the attacking line advances quite uniformly, no defending weapon is likely to have a clear field of fire against any significant number of the enemy. When brought in check by the counterfire of various weapons, the enemy gradually presses forward against the position, but still does not tend to bunch excessively.
On defense, CCF make efficient employment of ground cover, eschew use of long intrenchments and tight formations, and in general so dispose themselves that our fires, in any type, rarely have a large killing opportunity. The chief effects are therefore achieved through the systematic employment of fires in combination, with no one weapon or group of weapons (such as mortars, artillery, or small arms) predominating in the delivery of decisive fire.
The pattern of machine-gun operation in Korea is highly unconventional and contrary to the book, but the ground permits of nothing else.
In defense, the gun is most frequently used to block the more likely avenues of approach; its fire is directed straight ahead instead of from flankward across the front.The average hilltop position, by reason of elevation and the unevenness of the ridge crust, does not lend itself to over-all protection by machine guns. They do their bit, but usually they are set to traverse over a relatively narrow sector of the perimeter.
Occasionally, as the ground and situation permit, the guns are set up on a nose or fold in the ridge running at right angles to the defending line, in such a way that their fire will take in flank any body moving directly into the position. More frequently they are disposed in such a way as to cover the main draws or the slope which looks most favorable to ascent by the enemy. Good fields of fire for the machine gun are rarely met with in Korea.
This limiting factor in the terrain deprives the weapon of its normal tactical power and persuasion, and throws an extra load of work on the mortars, the BARS, and the riflemen.Even though all guns remain in operation, machine-gun fire alone is never enough to break up enemy attack and give security to the position.
The CCF develop their fighting power largely around a base of machine-gun fire by (1) bunkering the guns behind heavily resistant works when on defense, and (2) advancing the guns well to the fore in the attack, despite the entailed exposure.
Our guns are seldom employed in this manner.
In the attack our man-handled machine guns are not ordinarily pressed far to the fore but are more likely to be used to provide a semi-covering fire from whatever ground will provide them reasonably good protection. Even so, we lose a high percentage of machine guns to enemy fire.
On defense, the gun is usually fought in the open and is seldom given better than superficial protection - such as an earth bank or a rude parapet of loose rock.We maneuver more than CCF; changes in position are most frequent. There is rarely time to provide the gun with a protected siting. Our own attack is likely to wear along until late afternoon; the guns must be ready to fire by dark from the new defensive position.
These general differences in operating method do not accurately reflect relative efficiency, or lack thereof, in the development of machine-gun technique. Rather, they arise from the fact that the two sides are employing two greatly differing tactical methods, in which emphasis on the machine gun is only part of the over-all fire equation.
CCF operations are characterized by simplicity of fire means, centering around maximum use of the machine gun. The expendability of this force’s human material is one of the enabling factors toward this end. When Chinese MG crews can be committed repeatedly to situations permitting no escape, the weapon ipso facto is given a chance to score heavily prior to liquidation.
Our operations develop around multiplicity of fire means - an evolution more marked in our Army than in any other. The effects of the gun are less decisive simply because of the existence of so many complementary weapons. We habitually think of machine-gun usage in connection with expansive and favorable fields of fire. In Korea these are generally lacking. There are some occasions when the gun is useful at the longer ranges for relatively brief periods. But in the crises of action, the preponderant portion of its fire almost invariably is directed against the immediate foreground. As with the rifle and the BAR, its killing effects for the most part are achieved at ranges under 300 yards.
The CCF employ the machine gun effectively at ranges running between 30 and 500 yards. In the attack, when there is suitable cover in the foreground, they will get in as close with their machine guns as with rifles and sub-machine guns, and in local counter-attacks during daylight, if they are advantaged by a thicket or brush-covered salient, they will sometimes run the machine gun out as a point beyond the rifle line.
Their reckless and effective use of the weapon at extreme short ranges, however, is less instructive than what their gunnery appears to lack over distances which we have always considered quite normal for the HMG. It is only in the exceptional tactical circumstance that CCF employ the machine gun successfully against our infantry at 500 yards range. When they attempt to engage with the gun at ranges longer than that, say adding another 200 yards to the distance, our troops are relatively unsusceptible to the fire and pay it little heed. That holds generally true even when the fire is delivered broadside against a body of infantry (or a column of vehicles) offering a fairly substantial target. According to the book, the HMG should be an accurate stopping weapon at these intermediate ranges. Insofar as the general experience of our own line during the winter campaign sheds light on this subject, it does not work out in practice. There are numerous examples in the record of engagements wherein two or three enemy guns, firing from 600-700 yards distance against one limited target area, failed to bear effectively during several hours of fighting. All of the attendant circumstances appeared to indicate that when fires are exchanged at ranges in excess of somewhere between 550 and 650 yards, the rate of effectiveness is less dependent on what the gun can do than on what the human eye can see.
Their use of machine guns is most persistent. They have the knack of keeping their guns fed and operating under any weather conditions. Their fire is accurate at the short distances. They make maximum use of grazing fire, with the object of keeping troops inert, rather than wasting an excess of bullets by shooting into the dirt embankments. Out of these rather elementary techniques, they achieve large effects. The gun is pretty much the pivot of their attack.
In general, the impact of our own machine-gun fire upon the local situation in the Korean fighting, when considered in relation to the effects of other weapons carried by the infantry (this refers to the .30 fire), would seem to be somewhat less than in past performances by modern American forces. The instances are few indeed in which the operation of the machine guns appears to be the decisive factor in retaining a position, or in depressing the counterfire which is deterring the attack. Why this is so becomes difficult to evaluate, since the LMG is almost never mentioned among the overburdening items in the company load by the load carriers. The weight of the gun is not prohibitive; the gunners do not straggle. There are instances in the record where it was carried by troops directly charging the enemy position. But the average employment of the gun is not mobile in respect to local changes in the tactical situation. This may well be the consequence of an inertia inherent in our multiple weapons system: is it not within reason that one of the tactical effects of weapons multiplication is that the addition of each new weapon tends to lower the relative local mobility of every other weapon?
The employment of machine guns in Korea, particularly by our attack, would seem to call for exploration of the question, though the phenomenal enterprise and mobility of the average BAR carrier is evidence to the contrary.
In the Korean fighting, there is manifestly a higher percentage of active fire participation by riflemen (including those armed with the carbine) than in operations during World War II.
This can be felt, rather than accurately counted, and therefore it is difficult to arrive at an accurate percentage figure indicative of the increase. However, averaging out the night and day operations which were covered in the survey, it is considered that well in excess of 50 percent of troops actually committed to ground where fire may be exchanged directly with the enemy will make use of one weapon or another in the course of an engagement.
The pattern of Korean operations is such that the hand grenade is frequently the first weapon employed by the novice in combat. But again it is observed as an almost invariable rule that once the individual uses any weapon against enemy personnel, he will go on then to become in future engagements relatively a self-starter with his personal firearm. In the daylight attack in Korea, troops frequently advance with an extremely narrow front, the company going forward in depth because of the lack of space for deployment in the movement along the ridge crest. This cramping of the formation by its nature often makes it impossible for all hands to use their weapons freely. Of a given company, only two or three squads, and perhaps the same number of heavy weapons, may be able to take position where they can bear against the enemy-held ground. In such instances, the terrain itself reduces the number who participate actively with weapons, except as squads are rotated in and out of the forward positions.
Again, in the assault upon the lower sub-ridges, which can be attacked frontally, the foot force is likely to close as rapidly as it can toil uphill, with the climbing men depending more upon the barrage fires of the artillery, armor, multiple mounts, and mortars to beat the enemy down than upon the relatively feeble power of their hand-carried weapons. In this type of action, marching fire is rarely given effective use by the infantry. In the average situation, it would serve no object, since the bulge of the hillside intervenes between the two forces until the military crest is reached, and the fire would not even serve to keep the enemy pinned. The rifle line will halt and fire when it sees anything resembling a target. But in this type of action, there is likely to be small practical use for the rifle, whereas the grenade may prove very handy.
The night engagement on defense provides the most favorable opportunity for Ml fire. Whether it can be developed quickly in considerable volume depends primarily on the distance at which recognition takes place. If the enemy gets in close before firing starts and the initial phase sees the two sides engage in a heavy exchange of hand grenades, the rifle firing is apt to develop raggedly, even though the defending line is on higher ground and the incoming grenades are doing little damage. The study of actions in which our firing groups are closely pressed by enemy grenadiers shows almost no exception to this. Heavy use of grenades in the first stage of defense tends toward the repression of other, and perhaps more useful, fires by the defense. Men do not shift readily from the grenade to the rifle and back again as enemy movement might seem to require. Steady rifle action will usually await the dying-away of the grenade exchange. In close defense, where the two-man foxhole system is used, it could conceivably build up the effectiveness of infantry fire as a whole to designate one man primarily as thrower and the other as firer, in any situation which calls for both grenade and bullet fire. Out of a three-man or four-man fire team, one man should be encharged with the main duty of grenading. To advert to World War I terminology, he should be the “bomber” of the team.
When the enemy in the attack is intercepted at such range that the automatic weapons can first engage him, their fire is highly stimulating to the rifle line, and general use of the Ml and carbine (provided the ammunition holds) is likely to persist until the action is concluded. In connection with rifle fire volume, again it should be noted that there is a direct relationship between the rate of buildup and mobile response to the tactical changes in situation. As with shouting and cheering along the rifle line, there is something about steady fire production, and participation therein by the individual, which enlivens his senses and makes him move about more, in the endeavor to see where the fire would be most useful. The entire study of night actions is conclusive to this end: the unit which engages strongly with fire will also make the most rapid and practical adjustment to the changes in situation and will leave the fewest openings to the enemy.
In Korean operations from November to March, there were relatively few examples of units - even of platoon strength - being actually physically “overrun” by the CCF attack. Generally, our infantry stood its ground and fought until most of the weapons ran dry; the men then withdrew as best they could to positions farther back. They did not yield to the desire for flight; they went back in reasonably good order - those who survived. But in the rare cases in which the line was cracked apart without giving a strong account of itself, it was because the men in the foxholes were taken by swift surprise, getting their first warning as fire broke around them from 25 to 30 yards range. They “felt that they could not get their heads up to fire”; for lack of fire, the position fell.
But there were just as many more case studies in which our troops, taken initially at this same heavy disadvantage, still rallied and opened fire with their Mls and thereafter managed to hold the position. When strong direction was given, and commands were shouted, the men responded, no matter how close the enemy. But when they were left to their own devices, under the shock of dramatic surprise, they either did nothing or made feeble attempts to grenade the enemy to a halt. The record provides some very startling examples of this difference.
The lesson is again drawn that a charging enemy, even at close range, can be stopped by bullet fire, though the grenade is not likely to avail as long as he is in motion. After his line has gone down, and grenades can be rolled downhill or thrown against his line, that is a quite different situation. But in short range action, combining grenade and bullet fire is still more effective than either weapon used separately.
Because of the high incidence of panic firing among the unseasoned men during night defense, it was not possible in the Korean critiques, even when full attention was given to detail, to determine the total circumstances in which each man used his weapon, or even to be sure that he had been an active firer. That could not be finally ascertained even by those junior leaders who made a check of weapons and personal ammunition supply following engagement. There is considerable weapons-switching in the confusions of a strenuous night engagement; moreover, junior leaders cannot always determine, in the darkness whether each of their men is taking an aggressive part. Hence the data on personal action is not always obtainable and verifiable, and it must be recognized that, when some of the actors are dead or missing, and all of the witnesses have been shaken, there is a considerable margin of error which may apply either way.
However, from synthesizing incidents around which the fighting developed, and from the post-critique showing of hands on the questions of which men had used weapons in addition to those who had played a prominent part in the engagement, this estimate is supportable :
In the average infantry company in Korea, between 12 and 20 percent of the
men not only participate actively in the firing, but exercise varying degrees of initiative in on-the-spot leading and taking personal action of a type that betters the unit position and induces cohesion. .
In addition to this control force, there are between 25 and 35 percent of the men who take some part in the fire action, with varying degrees of consistency, but without otherwise giving marked impulse to the course of events.
It is believed that this showing is a substantial improvement over the participation averages among World War II troops.
The infantry soldier, so commonly met with in World War II, who made the stock answer: “I saw the enemy; I didn’t fire; I don’t know why,” is strangely missing from the Korean scene. In fact, this reply was not returned by a single man among the non-firers at any critique.
Among the reasons given by the non-firers would be these:
“I didn’t see an enemy target at any time and I thought it best to hold fire until I did.”
“Grenades were coming in at such a rate I couldn’t get my head up.”
“There was a rise of earth in front of me which hid their people to view.”
“I was captured from behind before I saw anyone come against me.”
“I was helping the sergeant get the machine gun back into operation.”
“There were so many of them that I held fire, thinking they might pass us by.”
“My gun was frozen and I couldn’t find another.”
And so on. All of these explanations made sense in the situation. But in contrast to World War II experience, there were no answers returned indicating that the soldier’s hand was held by some deep-rooted inhibition.
Statistically, the absence of such answers may not be as important as it appears on the surface. We may even take it that there are a few such men in the average company, and that they are covering up. But there is a strong implication that the idea has become ingrained in the infantry line that fire participation is an obligation of honor, and the obligation is felt by the average soldier.
There is minimal use of sniper tactics among American forces. Leaders are in general agreement that the situation would often lend itself to exploitation by individual sharpshooters working stealthily into the forward ground, taking independent cover, and there awaiting any target of opportunity. The enemy occasionally employs such tactics. It is never systematically done by our side, and such actual sniper tactics as are employed are usually an improvization of the moment by one or two individuals. Whether the limiting factor is the rigidity in our tactical teaching and training or some inhibition in the nature of today’s average young American would be hard to say.
The Eighth Army is short on special equipment for the sniper, particularly the infrared scope needed for night work. During winter operations these were present in such limited numbers as to be hardly more than a novelty for the amusement of the command at a regimental headquarters.
Infantry line commanders frequently expressed the view that if they could get the equipment in quantity, it would be a godsend in night defense. But it was impossible to find any data on individual usage in amplification of this estimate.
Outposts and outguards posted along the flank tend to rely more on automatic firepower than on precision work by a few marksmen with the rifle. When the position comes under an increasing pressure and begins to contract, riflemen incline to fall back toward the ground covered by the machine guns and BARS rather than to deploy toward the adjacent spaces which the automatic fire cannot protect. Despite a general increase of firing by those who are armed with the Ml, it is rare indeed that a knot of riflemen, unaided by one of the heavier weapons, plays a pivotal part in the stabilizing of the defensive position.
The examples of great individual initiative are generally provided by a bazooka man, a BAR carrier, or a machine gunner. When, for example, an enemy machine gun sets up somewhere within 75 to 200 yards of the defending line, and brings it under punishing fire, it will be eliminated in most cases by the enterprise of a firer with one of the heavier weapons, rather than by the mobile aggressiveness of two or three riflemen.
It is really astonishing how few exceptions to this are to be found in the record, though one suspects that it is by nature the case, in the absence of persistent indoctrination in sniper tactics. The rifle-armed individual can hardly express initiative in the employment of his personal weapon except by taking up forward ground whenever so doing gives him fresh advantage against enemy personnel moving in the open. This individual mobility, plus marksmanship, plus a talent for concealment, is the essence of “sniper” action.
Our general lack of it, and the tendency in our infantry to move with, and around, one of the heavier weapons in the line, or else forego all movement, materially reduces the chance that fire as a whole will be evenly distributed along the length of the defended front. This is a collateral argument for doubling the number of BARS per infantry company. In ratio, it might very well have the effect of doubling the useful fire from the Ml and carbine.
Since the lack of true sniper tactics in our infantry force appears to stem from doctrinal emphasis on the importance of unity within the group, rather than from negative characteristics in the American individual, one other of the constricting effects upon tactics might well be examined at this point, though it is not directly related to the use of the rifle.
The American company under pressure, during nighttime defense of a perimeter,is never inclined to throw a surprise counterpressure against the open flank of the enemy, even when the situation appears wholly favorable to such a design. It holds ground, if possible. It contracts toward the center or toward the strongest flank if the general pressure becomes uncontainable. If an opportunity affords to seize and use more advantageous ground within the outline of the general position, some part of the force will usually grasp it. Should the enemy overlook a fold or attenuation of the ridge, in juxtaposition to the main position, from which automatic fire can be turned against the enemy flank, weapons men will take advantage of it.
But practically all main movement appears to be circumscribed by the principle that all forces should remain continuously in juncture, if not contracting toward each other.
There are no surprise tactics in which some fraction of the force detaches itself temporarily from the main body with the object of creating a demoralizing diversion.
Take this situation : The Company is deployed along a ridge top with its strength distributed quite evenly. The enemy attack develops strongly against the front and right flank, and the whole appearance of the situation is that the line will win or lose according to what happens in that quarter.
The left flank remains practically unengaged. The machine gun in that sector continues to cover a forward slope, though seeing no targets, and the riflemen stay in their foxholes, awaiting the time when they can be useful. The 60-mm mortars are behind the hill in a draw, but because the enemy has closed in right next to the friendly foxholes, their fire is not a decisive deterrent.
It seems never to happen that any of these weapons from the quiet zone, or the mortar battery, will be moved out quickly into ground off the enemy avenue of approach with the object of throwing a shock fire across his rear. Such hit-and-run missions conceivably could be done either with machine guns, BARS, or light mortars minus base plates. They would be transitory by nature, done for surprise effect, and sustained just long enough to unsettle the opponent and make him divert some part of his force.
When artillery is interdicting the general area, the lack of such enterprises as these is subject to explanation, But the significant fact is that it seems never to be attempted even in situations where infantry is operating on its own, and its hope for survival depends upon what can be achieved with its own weapons and manpower.
The moral values in local surprise should be relatively as great as in major surprise. But it is not of record that we attempt systematically to explore them. In this, as in the lack of true sniper tactics, our small-unit operations have a gregarious quality which ultimately must provide some comfort to the enemy. In his grapple with the small unit he can pretty well count on not being bluffed.
In the larger scale of operations, we employ surprise and bluff to a maximum; for example, in the sorties made by armored columns. The reason why we are loath to work by the same principle in our small-group teaching should be well worth searching consideration. In all the operations brought under study in Korea, there is not one example of an American company attempting to use diversionary fire. However, there are numerous examples of the Chinese enemy successfully exploiting his use of weapons in this manner.
杀伤效果差也是一个重要的抱怨理由。一些战斗总结中,大约50次行动记录中,有7名目击者声称他们毫无疑问打中了敌人身体,可那些被击中的敌人士兵仍然可以继续冲锋。一个目击者是陆战1团的约瑟夫 R 费舍尔中尉。陆战一师认为他是一个杰出的连级指挥官。他在描述下碣隅里战斗时,有如下呈词。“大约有30%的卡宾枪给我们造成了麻烦,一些不能开火,一些冻住了。但是我们的人对卡宾枪丧失信心的最主要原因是当我们把子弹打进25码远的中国佬的胸膛后,他还能继续前进。这使我十分震惊。这些子弹打得很深。敌人还能继续行动。我们有半打人有同样的抱怨。有些人发誓他们至少打中3,4次,都不能使被击中者停下来。”
In subfreezing weather, the carbine operates sluggishly and, depending upon the degree of cold, will require anywhere from 5 to 20 warm-up shots before it will fire full automatic.
Since being made full automatic, it is hypersensitive. In hot weather, even small amounts of dust and moisture together will cause it to misfire. In cold weather, it is more sensitive to frost than any other weapon, and more difficult to lubricate in such a way that it will remain operative.
The magazines are a source of continuing trouble. After only a few weeks the clipped ammunition begins to corrode at the edges where it rubs the metal of the clip, and as the oxidization proceeds dirt becomes mixed with it. The discoloration is obvious, and the dirt can be scraped off with the fingernail. When the shell is injected, the fouled metal leaves its accumulation on the chamber. As this builds up, it gradually develops a block, and the piece goes out of action. There is no way to prevent such stoppages except by frequent unclipping and cleaning of the ammunition; time is insufficient for that.
The weapon lacks “power.” It is “too delicate.” Its day-to-day operation is (too variable,” according to changes in the weather. It was “more dependable” when it was semi-automatic. When fired full automatic, it “wastes ammunition.” When fired semi-automatic it isn’t sufficiently accurate for “aimed fire at moderate distances.”
. . . These are a few of the criticisms voiced by troops who have used the carbine in Korean operations. The anvil chorus is much louder than during World War II operations, including the Pacific, where the carbine was hardly an outstanding success.
The Marine criticism is even more harsh than that of the Army. From top to bottom, 1st Marine Division takes the dim view of this weapon; their experience with it during the Chosen Reservoir operation was the final blow to confidence. They want it either eliminated or made over into a dependable weapon. The clear majority of Eighth
Army infantry feels this same way about it. An occasional platoon or company can be found which does not feel particularly harshly about the carbine; the reaction ofthe average unit depends upon whether it has had a particularly costly experience with a number of carbines in a critical moment; since usually the carbine men are in the minority, it is possible for a company to go through a stiff fight without undue injury from carbine failures. That makes the almost unanimously strong feeling against the weapon all the more surprising. Not alone does the infantry feel this way; the artillery batteries, which have had several experiences with close-in defense of the gun positions against infiltration, are also going over to the Ml as rapidly as they can convert.
The rancor which attends this judgment of the weapon can be attested by one incident. On the night of 26-27 November 1950, Easy Company, 27th Infantry Regiment, fought a desperate action when serving as the point, well to the fore of the main body of the 25th Infantry Division. They were vastly outnumbered by the Chinese, but they held their ground with such valor that the enemy, after a last full-scale charge, drew back just as dawn came. The company was then ordered by higher command to fall back on new ground to the southward. The pressure had eased. Dead and wounded were removed from the hill. Also, as the men explained in the course of the critique, all weapons were brought out “except the carbines. They were scattered around the hill, but no one felt like picking them up. We had found during the fight that they were no damned good and we figured they wouldn’t help the enemy.”
As to the possible effect of full automatic fire by the carbine upon enemy action, there are no sound criteria for attempting an evaluation. In the perimeter fights which are covered by the record, there are literally hundreds of incidents in which the individual relates how with aimed fire from the carbine he shot one of the enemy. There are other instances, limited in number, in which the firer, using the weapon automatically, brought down two, three, or four of the enemy in one burst delivered at exceptionally close range. But what the weapon accomplishes to discourage the enemy and deter his aggressiveness by putting out a considerable volume of fire in a short space, is not provable by the data on enemy reaction. There were no clean-cut examples establishing that, because of a high rate of fire from the carbines in a particular sector, the enemy became discouraged and drew back.
The conditions of limited observation and high nerve tension which attend nighttime engagement are generally exclusive of any such possible findings.
However, the persistence of the Chinese after-dark attack has a partial bearing on the question. The carbines produce their heaviest volume of fire in the earlier stages of the fight. They begin to run low on ammunition before there is any marked flagging in the strength of the enemy attack. Their fire does not prevent the enemy from closing to within grenade range of the defended ground, nor for that matter does the slower fire of the Ml. When men are pinned fairly close to earth by an enemy down slope at close range, the grenade thrown from the high ground has a good chance of finding its mark, whereas because of instinctive reaction to the desire for self-preservation, fire delivered from a shoulder weapon will likely go high. On flat ground, the tendencies would be different. But, there is relatively little fighting on an even grade in Korea.
In the hill fights, carbine volume does not prevent the enemy from closing, and when
his final rushes are made, the carbines are beginning to go empty. In the daylight attack, the weapon more nearly pays its way. Only then it is used more frequently in semi-automatic firing, and its power is more evenly distributed over the course of the engagement. Sufficient to note that this was not the purpose for which the carbine was intended or the object for which it was changed to full automatic.
There are practically no data bearing on the accuracy of the carbine at ranges in excess of 50 yards. The record contains a few examples of carbine-aimed fire felling an enemy soldier at this distance or perhaps a little more. But they are so few in number that no general conclusion can be drawn from them. Where carbine fire had proved killing effect, approximately 95 percent of the time the target was dropped at less than 50 yards.
Because of the frequency of hand-to-hand fighting in Korea operations, there has been a suitable opportunity for judging of the takedown characteristics of the carbine round when delivered at close range.
This is not a source of general complaint. However, there is some illuminating comment. In the approximately 50 infantry actions covered, there were in all 7 witnesses who said that they had fired at an enemy soldier under conditions where there was no doubt that the bullet had struck him in a vital part of the body, and that he had kept on coming. One such witness is 1st Lt Joseph R. Fisher, 1st Marine Regiment. He was speaking of the defense at Hagaru-ri. The 1st Marine Division regarded him as one of its ablest and most objective company commanders. These were his words:
“About 30 percent of our carbines gave us trouble; some wouldn’t fire at all; others responded sluggishly. But the main reason my men lost confidence in the carbine was because they would put a bullet right in a Chink’s chest at 25 yards range, and he wouldn’t stop. This happened to me. The bullet struck home; the man simply winced and kept on coming. There were about half a dozen of my men made this same complaint:some of them swore they had fired three or four times, hit the man each time, and still not stopped him.”
These two subjects are considered together at this point because they are conjoint in operations against certain major enemy targets.
Among artillery officers in Korea there is heard the usual plaint against infantry that it calls on the artillery for fire missions which could be better carried out by their own weapons; not less frequently is heard the story that the infantry would get along better, and save more lives, if it called on the artillery more frequently when operating against targets too big to be reduced by infantry fires.
All of this has a strangely familiar ring.
But since the two ideas, however general their circulation in past wars, are mutually exclusive and therefore cancel out each other, neither provides a satisfactory approach to the problem of how infantry and artillery fires are best balanced in combination.The question is whether either fault is chronic in such measure during infantry operations in Korea as to indicate that infantry officers are insufficiently trained in knowledge of the potential, limits, and logistical problem of the other arm.
Because of infantry’s present possession of heavy weapons capable of producing heavy blast effects at long range, similar to the explosion of artillery shells, the need to conserve fires by both arms in conformity with sound evaluation of target areas is more pressing than ever. Employment of the recoilless weapons by the infantry is one of the new developments in Korean operations; whether the weapons are being employed in balance can only be assessed by reviewing certain aspects of the artillery problem.
The check of artillery fires called for and delivered in the infantry actions which were taken under study, as to the situation, the target, etc., indicates that the equation is kept in reasonable balance. The infantry does not tend toward over-exploitation of its artillery support. In the main, its requests are reasonable.
In the winter operations, the infantry was inclined to press hard for interdictory artillery fires for protection of the night position, and perhaps more shell was wasted this way than the situation sometimes warranted. However, it would be immoderate to view this as a fault in infantry appreciation of the artillery role and problem, for to do so would exclude the very human consideration that the first obligation of the infantry commander is to do all possible to relieve the anxieties and protect the position of his men, rather than to worry about artillery logistics. It is up to artillerymen to harden against this tendency when convinced that they have read the situation correctly. According to the data gathered for this study, our infantry in Korea was more inclined to take the casual risks of combat without crying for artillery help than during World War II. However, one infantry battalion commander, who had served almost one year in line, made this comment : “From what I observed, and what I learned from other battalion commanders, much of our artillery and air support was needlessly expended. We used both air and artillery in too many instances for outright insurance. I have called for air and artillery on hills which we were attacking, not knowing positively that there was any enemy within range. In combat, we seem still to place too high a premium on the worth of one human life. Ten enemy riflemen may sometimes hold up an entire regimental column until a battalion of artillery, tanks, and every supporting weapon within the battalion are ready to aid the advance of a few riflemen. The practice can become unduly expensive.” This was one man’s point of view.
In Korea, the baffling character of many of the main enemy targets has brought about use of a seeming excess of means in the effort to reduce them. But it is to be doubted that there is any help for it, duplication is the inevitable consequence of the extreme toughness of the targets and their resistance to normal fires.
The use which CCF make of dug-in positions along the rocky ridge crests is frustrating of precision fire by the heavy weapons, including air power. Going their best to destroy the enemy strong points, frequently in the end they bring off nothing more decisive than a strong shock effect and the elimination of a certain number of the enemy who are disposed in the more shallow works; it then remains for the infantry to close and make the final kill with its own weapons, with the heavy works of the enemy sometimes holding out until the occupants are killed with grenades.
Traditionally, it is the task of artillery to knock out the “big stuff,” and the infantry is ever ready to concede it that privilege. But in terms of target area, the “big stuff” in Korean operations is peculiarly elusive. It would be a fair mark for the guns, if they could see it and lay directly on it, but, such is the nature of the ground that they rarely have that opportunity.
When the CCF have as many as four to ten days in which to organize a ridgeline position, they customarily hinge it upon machine-gun bunkers built close to the skyline. The mortars may operate from either the forward or reverse slope, depending on range and the availability of cover. The riflemen are disposed in foxholes covering the approaches in relatively close juxtaposition to the main works. They rarely waste force in an attempt to defend along the lower slopes.
The walls of the bunkers are frequently double tiers of thick logs bound together by cable. The roof may be an overhang of earth and rock between four and eight feet in thickness; so being, it is shellproof to a collapsing fire from anything except an 8-inch gun. Except for a direct hit, light artillery fire cannot neutralize it, and in the nature of the position, direct hits are a l-in-1000 accident. The embrasures are between 14 and 30 inches in height and are usually recessed. Frequently these nests are sited in a fold along the facing of the ridge, putting them at right angles to our MLR and parallel to the fire issuing from it. They are thus sited to block the infantry advance when it moves in from the flank, attacking down the length of the ridgeline.
This means that they are almost perfectly hidden to observation from the front. One ridgeline may hold anywhere between two to six such bunkers. Persistent machinegun fire may be received from the general area for hours. Still, at between 1500 and 2000 yards range, the trained observer cannot pick up a specific target or see any significant activity.
On the surface, this appears as a problem to be solved mainly by artillery intervention. The artillerymen accept it as such, and the infantry is never inclined to say no. But in the average situation, the high ground held by the friendly infantry intervenes between the artillery and its target. This may be one ridge or a series. Therefore indirect fire is required. The chance that the bunkers will be neutralized through a normal shoot by field artillery under these conditions becomes very small indeed. One need only plot the curve of an artillery shell moving against such an object to see why this is so. If the line is only a few inches off, the effect is a total miss.
During the operations taken under survey, there was not one instance of an artillery shell scoring a direct hit on a Chinese bunker, despite consistent fires against these objects. They were resistant also to air attack both with rockets and napalm; the record includes examples wherein the air scored direct hits with napalm atop the bunker. The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure. Still, the occupants were not killed, and, after a brief interlude, resumed their fire.
The advantage which the recoilless weapons give infantry in firing against targets of this character from the opposing heights scarcely requires description. At ranges between 1000 and 1200 yards, the 75 recoilless is the only piece which can take them under direct fire, with a relatively good chance of hitting dead on and destroying the object in one round; pack artillery might do it if it were available, but in its absence, the recoilless weapons are the main hope. In this type of usage, they have justified themselves time and again. The 57 is too light for such work at ranges exceeding 1000 yards, though troops have wasted an excess of 57 ammunition trying to prove otherwise; because of the weight problem with the 75, it is often left behind during movement into the higher ridges, and the attempt is made to substitute the 57 at prohibitive ranges.
In the nature of the problem, the range of fire that is needed is quite apt to be in proportion to the height of the ground which is to be surmounted. In other words, troops are fighting across low ridges, operating distances are apt to be foreshortened. Thus under conditions which are less prohibitive to weight carrying, when the ranges are shorter and the 57 would do the work, the 75 is still very apt to be taken along because it packs the extra wallop. To this extent, there is an overlapping.
On the other hand, the 57 becomes invaluable during the closing infantry assault on an enemy-held high hill mass. Always a few bunkers remain in operation; those which were protected from the long-range fires by the folding of the ridge are likely to be almost unscathed. Falling back toward these works, after quitting the outer line of foxholes, enemy skirmishers are apt to seek protection in small caves and behind rock outcroppings. The 57 can blast them out from cover which would provide immunity to bullet fire.
在一个战例中,我军以75mm无后坐力炮击毁了4辆隐蔽中的敌军坦克。荷马 利曾伯格上校及其属下军官提交的战后总结中提到:在反坦克行动中,75mm无后坐力炮“从没有令本团失望。”但这次经历证实了与坦克战斗时,“在目标非常接近前不开火很重要,否则75mm无后坐力炮便不能击毁它们。”作战参谋威廉 R 厄内上尉给出了对这种武器有效性的非常有启迪作用的评估:“我们不把75mm无后坐力炮当作单用途武器;杀伤敌军人员是它的巨大价值之一。因为它弹道扁平,在小山顶的战斗中可以用它对付碉堡,敌军集群,机枪,还有其他武器难以奏效的洞口。我们发现它实现以上这些全面用途的时候十分轻便。”
“在一个地势非常糟糕的地点,我军两个连为坚守一条300米高的棱线而艰苦备尝,我们需要能击毁峡谷对面1300码远的中国人的碉堡和机枪的武器。我前往反坦克组,找到了威廉 L 维克中士率领的小组,它们有一门炮和40发弹药。这两个连的退路已被切断,但是反坦克组还是成功地挤了进去。敌军再次从后方合围了我军,隔绝了这个阵地。这两个连一直坚守了整个晚上。
Appreciation by troops of the recoilless weapons is exactly in proportion as they have been given employment in those situations for which they were intended. There was no exception to this. Troops would be asked: “What do you think of the 75 recoilless?”The answer would be negative. Inquiry would then develop that they had never once used the gun: they disliked it because it was heavy. But among the users, there was only one reaction - enthusiastic approval. They found no fault whatever in the weapon and were amazed at its capabilities.
In the ZI there has been considerable concern about the flash, and a general feeling that this made it a dangerous weapon for infantry. These doubtings have no echo in the field. Unanimously, troops and commanders said that flash was not a problem in actual operations. This feeling was usually resolved in some such answer as: “Why worry ? They know we’re there.” One sergeant replied: “Some of my men were concerned about flash and back-blast because they had read so much about it.But when we opened fire, they settled down.” In general, it is not a factor in the morale of operating crews. They feel that if they can displace a short distance after firing, that affords sufficient protection.
In the operations studied, there were no examples of these weapons being used against enemy armor. In two instances, the 75 had been employed to fire on an SP gun; in both cases, it had knocked out the gun. The Seventh Marine Regiment did, however, recount its experience with the 75 in earlier operations against enemy armor.
In one case the gun had been used to knock out four nesting tanks, the closest being
15 yards and the farthest 75 yards. In the critique attended by the commander, Co1
Homer Litzenberg and his officers, it was stated that the 75 had “never once failed the
regiment” in action against armor, but that experience had proved that when fighting tanks “it is necessary to hold fire until the target is very close or the 75 will not knock them out.” A very revealing estimate of the weapon’s usefulness was given by Capt
William R. Earney, S3, in these words: “We do not regard the 75 as a single-purpose
weapon; one of its great values is in use against personnel. Because of its flat trajectory, in hilltop fighting it can be used against pillboxes, enemy groups, machine guns, and cave entrances when no other weapon will suffice. We have found it sufficiently portable for this general purpose.
“In a particularly bad spot, with two companies having a hard time holding a ridgeline about 300 meters high, we needed something that could knock out Chinese pillboxes and machine guns as far as 1300 yards away across the valley. Me went to the AT section, got a group under S/Sgt William L. Vick, one gun and 40 rounds of ammo. The two companies had been cut off, but the section managed to squeeze through. Then once again the enemy closed across the rear, isolating the position. The companies remained there through the night.
“At first light, on his own initiative, Vick located the enemy emplacements and
fired on them, using 15 rounds. Then the Chinese came looking for him. He moved
the gun to a concealed position, waited until they got within 200 yards of the gun, and
then fired 10 rounds of HE into about a company of the enemy. That one gun broke
up the attack; also, the circumstances speak for the mobility of the weapon. This action took place just to the south of Udam-ni.”
There are many more examples of the gun in action supplied from the Chosen Reservoir operation, and from Operation Punch, three months later. All bespeak the unusual accuracy of the gun and it’s all-around combat worthiness.
In the siege of Hagaru-ri, the 75mm recoilless was found to be especially useful in repelling the night attack. It was used to knock out machine guns and mortars firing on the infantry line from relatively long range. The 75’s WP shell was found to be most suitable for this work.
During these night actions, the gun did not displace, though there was heavy enemy fire around the position. The men dug in beside the gun and stayed there.
Lest these notes convey an impression that, unfamiliarity with the weapon is the only drag on greater use of the 75 by troops in the Korean fighting, it should be emphasized that the higher the ridge, the more prohibitive the weight factor becomes.In fighting across ridges in excess of 300 meters above the LD, it’ is always a question whether the possible use of the gun justifies the manpower required to move it. It is a positive danger in any movement along narrow trails or over slippery ground. Both in the 2nd and 24th Divisions men have had their backs broken in falls while trying to get the 75 forward.
Due to the enemy’s lack of armor in winter operations 1950-51, this group of
weapons had little decisive effect in the local fighting, except as CCF contrived to
capture some of our weapons and employ them against our metal. They did not prove
inexpert in exploiting the opportunity. There are a number of examples in the record
of CCF using the rocket launcher against our tanks, field pieces, and vehicles at comparatively
short range (15 to 50 yards) and scoring killing hits. The tank-killing weapons
all involve this special jeopardy; no other materiel can be converted more quickly and
decisively to enemy use upon capture, particularly when armor, being unopposed by
its own kind, relaxes it’s normal precautions.
In the winter fighting, our bazooka fire was used mainly against machine guns,
buildings where enemy skirmishers had taken cover, and other large objects. There
was less of a tendency to employ it at short range against enemy personnel, in substitute
for mortar fire. The data are insufficient to warrant saying whether the launcher justifies
its place in the infantry company weapons system under the conditions in which the
CCF was engaged by our line during the winter. There are some graphic examples
of its killing effect in the crises of a number of local engagements; these are well outnumbered
by the operational narratives in which the launchers are accounted as present,
but have no influence upon the course of combat. From the data - which are admitt’edly
an inconclusive sample - it is indicated only that the launcher is a marginal
weapon when the enemy lacks armor. With few exceptions, its telling shots could have
been contrived by some other weapon present with the line. In other words, it did
not have unique advantages in infantry-against-infant’ry action, as it was used in the
average tactical situation.
By t’he account of our average line officer in Korea, under the conditions of the
fighting there, the 3.5 launcher is of greater utility in any situation than the small
bazooka, and he sees no argument for retention of the latter within the infantry weapons
system. It becomes excess baggage as soon as the 3.5 is in good supply. But the question
cannot be resolved that easily. If it is true that the small bazooka is an effective antipersonnel
weapon, but that its potential has not been adequately exploited because of
a hiatus in training, then its extra portability may give it advantage over the 3.5 in
particular situations, for the same reason’ that the 60-mm mortar is useful, though the
81 has greater killing radius. Further light on the subject may come from study of an
incident in which the small launcher was given decisive use against human targets.
In the attack of the 1st Marine Division from Hagaru-ri to Koto-ri, the 5th
Marines assumed defense of the whole Hagaru-ri perimeter as the column got underway.
To ease the initial progress of the column, it was necessary to gain the high ground
east of the camp which had been held by CCF throughout the siege. The Regiment’s
Second Battalion was given the mission and soon won the heights. Prior to the action,
it had been reckoned that the Division as a whole would be able to clear Hagaru-ri by
nightfall. But fighting along the road had delayed the 7th Regiment and the Division
trains, so that the lead elements of the 5th Regiment had still not cleared by dark.
Easy Company held ground eastward of the river from a point approximately
700 yards north of the Hagaru-ri bridge around to the bottom of the main hill and
back along the railway track for about 200 yards. The right flank of the Company
ran along the railway approximately 400 yards east and north of the bridge. Between
1800 and 2000, the Chinese attacked from the high ground toward the bridge with the
apparent object of cutting off troops manning the western half of the perimeter.
Easy’s rocket team had been so stationed by Capt Sam Jeskilka that it could
fire straight up a draw which ran halfway up the hill then forked off into gullys. This
was the natural approach from the hill, as it was otherwise barren of cover. The Chinese
pressed forward along the alley, and during an attack which persisted in strength for
two hours and recurred intermittently through the night, this key feature was defended
by rockets.
E连占据的高地在河东侧约700码处,Hagaru-ri桥北边靠近主要山地的山脚,背后离铁路线大约200码。连的右翼沿铁路线400米延伸到桥的东北侧。在18时到20时之间,中国人从山林高地上冲下来,通过桥梁意图消灭环形防线西半部的守军。E连的火箭筒组正好由山姆 杰斯克里卡上尉指挥能够直接打击半山腰的溪沟。这里比较靠近山顶,没有多少植被。中国人沿着小路向上冲,一直持续了整整2个小时,并且在整个晚上也要反复冲锋。火箭筒守住了关键阵地。
On the following morning, CCF pulled back into the hills. Co1 R. L. Murray,
commander of the 5th Regiment, and Lt Co1 Hal Roise entered the draw and made a
cursory examination of the damage done by the 2.36 fire. There were more than 50
bodies on the ground, scattered anywhere from 20 yards to 200 yards from the launcher
到次日清晨时,中共军队被迫退回到山里去。于是,陆战五团的指挥官R L 马里上校和哈尔 罗易斯中校草草视察了使用89毫米火箭弹的战场。发现沿着火箭筒位置从20码到200码的距离上有超过50具尸体。
Murray’s most amazing comment on the result was that his inspection of bodies
convinced him that practically all of the Chinese had died from burns - that WP
rounds had set their padded clothing afire. Jeskilka estimated more conservatively
that 60 percent of the deaths were due to burns and the rest to concussion and fragmentation.
His crew had fired quite a few HEAT rounds from the launchers. Jeskilka
said that while the Hagaru-ri affair was Easy’s outstanding use of' the launcher, the
Company had become habituated to using it as an anti-personnel weapon at every
opportunity. It was therefore normal for the men to have final confidence in it in an
extreme emergency.
In the November fight against CCF along the Chongchon River, one of the most
mobile and aggressively successful defenses conducted anywhere along the American
line was the action by Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment. From a detailed and
lengthy narrative of this action, the following extract is made to illustrate the effect
of one 3.5 round upon the engagement:
“When the squad on the right flank of 3rd Platoon was withdrawn by Sgt Smith
because of the buildup of CCF fire against the nose of the ridge, that action left the
machine gun on the left flank of 1st Platoon’s position as the chief block to the enemy’s
main advance up the draw. There was a native hut to the right and forward of the
machine gun. Lt Lemuel English, who was in command of 1st Platoon, had one of his
BAR men, PFC Cleo Wachel, dug in right next to the house along the right rear corner.
Wachel was thus in line to assist the machine gun in covering the draw, and in fact,
as the fight developed, he bore the brunt of the defense. There were sandbags revetting
his foxhole. He could deliver a grazing fire right down the gut without unduly exposing
由于中共军队的火力点在山脊前伸处建立起来,3排右翼的那个班在斯密斯中士的指挥下撤退,只留下一挺机枪在1排的左翼阻止敌人的进一步进攻。在机枪的右前侧有一间小屋。1排排长莱弭尔 英格兰中士手下有一个巴祖卡发射手,一等兵克莱奥 瓦彻尔。他在房屋的右后侧挖了一个散兵坑。这样,瓦彻尔可以协助机枪手火力覆盖,事实上,当战斗激烈时,他也一同承受进攻的压力。有一些沙包堆积掩护了他的散兵坑,这样他可以在腰以下的高度发射而不用暴露自己。
“English deployed three riflemen to the rear of Wachel; they were told to fire
in time with Wachel and to cut down any skirmishers making a sneak run toward his
position. As the Chinese came up the footpath, Wachel was first to open fire on them.
He had to be pretty delicate about it. Some of the GIs from 3rd Platoon had been withdrawing
along this same path, and he wasn’t sure that they had all cleared. So, in the
darkness, it was a problem to make certain that he was firing on an enemy target.
“The Chinese got to within 25 yards of the BAR. Wachel challenged them, and
they opened fire with two tommy guns. Then Wachel let them have a burst. Even
so, they did not go flat. Only a few moved at a time, and they came on in short rushes,
taking cover behind the rocks or at the far side of the house, but remaining standing.
Immediately after the first skirmishers moved up, the Chinese set up a machine gun
on the flat ground directly in front of the BAR position. Both Wachel and the riflemen
behind him took the gun under fire, but they couldn’t get a clear idea of its position
though it was less than 100 yards distant, and it continued to fire away. More of the
Chinese worked up to the house and took positions next it, with only the building separating
them from Wachel. Grenades began to come in on 1st Platoon’s left flank, but
the throwing was inaccurate and the explosions didn’t worry the men. Then WacheI
had a sudden idea; he set the house ablaze by firing into the roof. The thatch burned
brightly and the scene became well illuminated. Together, the light and the heat drove
back the Chinese who had moved in next the house. The machine gun kept firing.
“In a few minutes, from ground to the rear of the machine gun, the Chinese
opened fire with a 60-mm mortar against 1st Platoon’s left flank and the CP position.
Very quickly, they unloaded about 20 rounds on this critical area. Lt Stevens, Lt
Coleman, Lt Benson, and five enlisted men were hit by the mortar fire. Lt John N.
Knight moved one of the Company’s 60 mortars out to the left of the platoon’s line and
opened fire on the enemy mortar; for several minutes there was a direct duel between
the two pieces, with both crews serving their weapons about equally. Then the Chinese
dropped one round right amid the mortar crew. Three men were wounded, and though
the tube was not damaged, it ceased fire temporarily. Sitting a little way up the slope
from Wachel and the machine gun was Sgt Paul West, with a 3.5 launcher in his lap.
几分钟内,从开阔地到机枪巢后面,中国人用60毫米迫击炮打击1排的左翼和中部防线。很快他们就在这狭窄的地域投下20发迫击炮弹。斯蒂文中士,克莱曼中士,拜森中士和其他五名士兵立即中弹负伤。约翰 N 莱特中士移来一门连直属的60毫米迫击炮到排阵地的左外侧,开火压制敌人迫击炮。双方炮击位置互相对射了几分钟。随后中国人的一发炮弹准确命中炮位。虽然炮没有被打坏,不过三名炮兵都负伤了,直接导致迫击炮哑火,在瓦彻尔和机枪点后面斜坡上一点点距离是保罗 维斯特中士,他的手边正好有一具3.5寸火箭筒。
He had been watching the action, but so far had taken no part in it. So he raised the
launcher and let. go one rocket,. His first round hit the Chinese mortar dead on - at
225 yards range. It was the luckiest kind of a fluke shot. That cooled off the enemy
force attncking up the draw. When the mortar and crew were knocked out, their
machine gun went silent. The pressure was then deflected to an entirely new quarter.”
l In the defense of Hagaru-ri, Company I, 1st Marine Regiment, knocked out
two Hotchkiss machine guns at 150 yards range, using the 3.5 launcher at night. One
other gun was knocked out at somewhat shorter range. The crew commented that
they had to light> matches to set the sights on the launcher. They said that luminous
sights are badly needed for night operations.
Under the conditions of the average infantry fight in Korea, the BAR, even more than the machine gun, provides the fire base around which the action of other infantry weapons builds up and the force expresses itself unitedly.
It is not alone the case that analysis of company operations warrants this appreciation of the weapon; the men also make this estimate of its effectiveness; they state frankly that it is the mainspring of their action, and that wherever the BAR moves and fires, it gives fresh impulse to the rifle line.
Appreciation of the BAR within Eighth Army therefore reaffirms experience with the same weapon in World War II operations both in the Pacific and in Europe.What makes this reaction all the more noteworthy is that there has been a markedly higher incidence of failure by the BAR in Korean operations than in World War II jighting,for reasons which will be explained later. Even so, there is no diminishing of general infantry confidence in the effectiveness of the automatic rifle. It is still considered “indispensable” and troops shudder at any suggestion that it might ultimately be replaced by some other weapon. They cannot imagine having to get along without it.
The reason that the BAR is rated as the mainstay of the fire base is because of the greatly modifying influence of the Korean terrain upon the utility of the machine gun. The CCF are good machine gunners; they are more expert in their employment of this weapon than in all else; they are persistent; their guns are of every type under the sun; even so, they have the knack of keeping them going; in the attack, they bring the gun in very close; but they are good at concealment behind brush, thicket, and rock ledge, and therefore the close-in target remains very elusive. The record contains many examples of CCF machine guns bearing on our positions at 30-40 yards range and continuing unseen. To counter this fire with one of our own machine guns usually necessitates bringing it far forward, with consequent sudden death, either in transit or soon after placement. Our MG crews are far more obvious in moving and in setting up. The BAR, which is a lesser target and usually has as its operator an individual who combines boldness with a requisite stealth, is therefore the main counteragent.
BAR fire is also the chief depressant of sniper fire delivered from ranges which are too close in for the mortars and too far out for the grenade. One man with a BAR, if he is the right man, will have a stronger neutralizing effect upon a local sniper-infested area than the random fire of five or six riflemen. Almost invariably, BAR men are exemplary in their conservation of ammunition. They do not have nervous fingers; they sustain fire only when the situation truly demands it. Why this is so is something of a mystery; it is recorded here as fact because the BAR record in Korea is one of consistently strong performance by the operators.
On defense, the machine gun will usually be sited to cover a draw, the gentlest hill facing, or some other avenue of approach which seems particularly favorable to the enemy purpose. Because, as the attack develops, the threat from that quarter will continue more or less constant, even though the enemy does not initially take advantage of it, the employment of the machine gun is more or less rigid.
But under attack, the defensive dispositions seldom remain static; the lines contract and expand as the pressure changes; men and weapons are shifted as an excess of danger threatens from a new point. The BAR is the pivotal weapon in this eddying of the tactical situation. Should the rifle line begin to bend at one point, the BARS are sent there to stabilize it. If the machine gun, stopping the enemy frontally, is threatened by flankers circling toward it over dead ground, BAR fire is used to cover the corners and save the gun. During the mop-up, it is the main weapon for neutralizing foxholes; when, on defense, strong out-posting is required, the BAR is also given that assignment.
In the view of the great majority of infantry troops and commanders in Korea, the fighting strength of the infantry company would be greatly increased by doubling the number of BARS, while reducing the number of Ml carriers proportionately.This could be done without adding an upsetting burden to the company load. The final argument for the change is that it would make more perfect the balancing of offensive-defensive strength within the infantry company.
The general performance by the family of mortars has been excellent. The several mortars serve the tactical need quite adequately. All three -the 4.2, 81-mm, and 60-mm - are given extensive use. Under the conditions imposed by the Korean terrain, each type has its particular role in the development of a balanced program of supporting fires.
Strong mortar action is perhaps more generally characteristic of the pattern of infantry fighting in Korea than of our operations during World War II. Infantry commanders have greater awareness of the mortar and are more likely to make full use of the mortar potential than previously.
Korea - being an unending complex of steep hills and sharp-faced ridges -is natural mortar country. Because the Chinese enemy in the night attack endeavors to smother the position at close range and his attacking line is frequently in defilade to our artillery fires by the time the attack is sensed, the mortars are given a wide variety of decisive fire missions.The limiting factor in mortar operation is usually the availability of ammunition rather than a failure at any command level to appreciate what the mortars can do.
Why this is so is readily seen. The battalions, and sometimes separate infantry companies, hold ground in relative detachment from other components of the MLR.
The unit may be 1500-3000 yards from its closest support on right and left and 2000-4000 yards forward of the supporting field artillery. Its position will usually be a hilltop or a ridge crest, if it is in the front line, or a defile covering a stream bed or roadway, if it is “blocking.” The hilltops are a long haul from the nearest supply point; the distance can be covered only by human carriers. Consequently, the 60-mm mortars are carried into the ground somewhat light as to ammunition load. If the 81s are also taken forward, in the average situation their ammunition, too, will be in short supply.
The usual 60-mm position is in a draw on the rearward slope of the friendly hill or at the base of it. On defense, the mortars customarily set up approximate to the CP. In the attack, they seek a position in defilade in a draw or ridge fold somewhere short of the skyline against which the rifle point is advancing. CCF almost never press an attack on the local ground in such way as to make a main impingement on the rear; habitually, they either attack from the front or from the flank via the gentlest slope (particularly if it is covered with tree and underbrush). In consequence, the main threat to the mortars which close with the company is the enemy mortar fire.
But however the unit is armed as to mortars operating from directly within the perimeter or setting up on the heels of the body in the attack, the heavier mortars are generally able to support the action from a distance. This is one of the very genuine fire advantages deriving from the hilliness of Korea and the enemy’s lack of air support and a competent artillery.
Within a few hundred yards to rear of the rifle line, there is always ground where the mortars can set up in defilade, if there is any danger from counter battery.Frequently, the situation is such that the 81s and 4.2s set up boldly in the open, wherever the ground is best for emplacing, and fire away in plain sight of the enemy-heid hill, out of practical range of his bullet-firing weapons.
It is not unusual to see the 81s, 4.2s, 75 recoilless, and sometimes the AA multiple-mount weapons all firing in battery from the same location against one broad target -this in support of the attack during daylight operations. The highly competitive aspects of this combined firing in close juncture tend to develop excessive expenditures.
“在朝鲜的步兵战术说明”这份文件已经涵盖了这个课题的很多细节。当气温在0℃ 到32℃之间时,迫击炮操作状态良好,没有什么特别严重的问题:地面仍有充分的弹性能缓冲对底盘的冲击力,升降螺丝杆也没有过度松动或磨损。当气温在-10℃到 -30℃之间时,情况就变得严峻了,如果迫击炮长时间以高速率发射,撞针还有特别是底盘的破损率就会使迫击炮报废。除了陆战一师在长津湖战役中的资料,我们在朝鲜的战斗经验中没有广泛的基本资料以进行这种对比。
This subject is covered in some detail in the document, “Notes on Infantry Tactics in Korea.”During operations in temperatures ranging between 0℃ and 32℃, the mortars stand up well, and there are no extraordinary problems; the ground is still sufficiently yielding to cushion the shock to the base plates, and there is no undue loosening and wearing of the elevating screws. In temperatures ranging between -10℃ and -30℃, this condition appears to alter radically, and if the mortars are fired for prolonged periods at a high rate, the rate of breakage in firing pins and particularly in base plates becomes disabling to operations. Other than the data from the 1st Marine Division during the Chosen Reservoir operation, there is no broad basis from the Korean experience for the making of this comparison.
This was the only winter campaign wherein the mortars were fired excessively for prolonged periods (12-14 days) under sub-zero conditions. Over-all, the durability of the mortars in all sizes was well attested during the course of Korean winter operations. Troops had no complaint on this score; within the 1st Marine Division; despite the fact that most of the mortars had to be replaced in whole or in part when the operation was completed, the commanders and crews felt that this did not reflect a lack of serviceability in any of the three weapons, though it did warn that a surplus of spare parts was a prerequisite for sub-zero operations. They said frankly that the rate of breakdown was due to excessive firing in extreme cold rather than to any fault in the structure.
这种武器在朝鲜的步兵战斗中像驮马一样任劳任怨。没有任何一种更新式的武器被应用于更广泛的用途或在部队中赢得了更多的宠爱。士兵们众口一词地表达了对它的热爱。4.2英寸迫击炮既精确又耐用;它的一次炮击具有和一发105mm炮弹轰击相当的冲击力;在连续执行任务和显著缓解紧急情况方面,它可能比步兵团中其他任何武器作用都大。一大批营长、团长评论到:他们希望看到步兵团里配备双倍的4.2英寸迫击炮,并觉得由此带来的战斗力增长,在任何地形和气候条件下都绝不会仅仅证明增加这点负担是必要的,(它必然会产生更多的战术价值)。在古土里防御战中广泛使用4.2英寸迫击炮之后,刘易斯 普勒上校作了如下评论:真是完美武器。我们有敏捷而训练有素的迫击炮组,他们让八门迫击炮同时开火,我们发现他们可以在第一枚炮弹爆炸之前向空中打出96发炮弹。
THE 4.2
This weapon is the workhorse of infantry operations in Korea. None of the
other relatively new weapons has been put to more general usage or found greater favor among troops. The enthusiasm for it is unanimous. The 4.2 is accurate and sturdy; the round packs as much wallop as a 105-mm shell; for continuity of performance, and visible impact upon an emergency situation, it is valued perhaps more highly than any other weapon within the infantry regiment. A number of battalion and regimental commanders commented that they would like to see twice as many 4.2s within the infantry regiment, and that they felt that the gain in fighting power, under almost any condition of terrain and climate, would more than justify the added burden. This comment was made by Co1 Lewis Puller, after extensive use of the 4.2 in the defense of Koto-ri: “It is a beautiful weapon. With a fast and well-trained crew and with all eight mortars firing, we found it possible to put 96 rounds in the air before the first one burst.”
下面这个典型的战报摘录涉及1951年2月进攻440高地时实施81mm迫击炮火力的情况。这支部队是第27团的重火器连。指挥官弗兰克 L. 迪特里希中尉的记述如下:“我们在2月4日16点45分进入阵地,在那一晚并没有开火。在2月5日4点30分,我收到在我们右翼的第35团遭受敌军进攻的消息。为了支援第35团,我们向高地发射了155发炮弹。我们地图上的数据相当精确,弹着误差不超过100码。天亮以后不久,我们开始射击以支援第3营(第27团的第3营正在从左翼沿着山脉走向进攻440高地)。我们不停地向2800—3000码远的目标射击。在那个白天,我们一共打了500发炮弹,用弹药运送车补给了两次,消耗了可载重1吨拖车载弹量的3/4。其中,57发是白磷弹;两次齐射的效果都很糟;还有七八发臭弹。由于校正机损坏,我们也有几次哑火。在这次战斗中, L连的SCR 300电台出了故障;我们改用营里的有线网络,直到另一部无线电台在那里恢复工作。否则,那将是一次理想的射击——尽善尽美。这个炮兵连里有一门炮参与了朝鲜战争爆发以来所有的战役。”
This mortar has done trojan service throughout the Korean campaign, and its illuminating round was used with particularly good effect during the Korean fighting until the scant supply petered out. It is given relatively more work than during World War II because of the short supply of 60-mm shell in the average company position.For close support of the infantry company withstanding night attack, the 81 mortar illumination is probably better than the 155-mm artillery shell because the circle of light created by the latter often covers too large an area, yielding some advantage to the attacker.
This typical extract covers operation of the 81s during the attack on Hill 440 in February 1951. The unit was Heavy Weapons Company of the 27th Regiment. The description is by Lt Frank L. Dietrich, commanding: “We went into position at 1645 on 4 Feb but we did not fire that night. At 0430 on 5 Feb I got word that the 35th Regiment on our right was under attack. We fired 155 rounds against the Hill in support of the 35th. Our map data was almost exact; it came out within less than 100 yards. Shortly after daylight we began firing in support of the battalion (3rd Battalion of 27th Regiment which was attacking Hill 440 along its length from the left flank). We were firing at’ 2800-3000 yards range. During that day, we fired 500 rounds, resupplying twice with carriers, using 3/4 tons with one-ton trailers. Of this amount, 57 rounds were WP; two salvos were altogether bad; seven or eight other rounds failed. We have also had misfires from breakage of the projector that the charge fits on. During the operation we had one radio failure - the SCR 300 in Love Company; we changed over to the battalion wire net until we got another radio up there. Otherwise, it was perfect fire all the way through - right on the button. There is one barrel in the battery which has served all through the Korean campaign.”
The 81s in this case were employed to fire against the central mass of Hill 440, covering the narrow, stony passages along the heights and leading back to the enemy’s support area. The 4.2s were used to smoke the hill as the American attack developed. The AA quad-50s, firing from approximately the same ground as the 81s traversed over a much wider arc, adjusting so that their fire kept approximately 50 yards ahead of our most forward skirmishers. The artillery was used both to augment the 4.2 in smoking the hill and further the HE missions of the 81s.
The atmospheric conditions were just right for the use of smoke. The first cloud effects were promising; the smoke held fairly well to the ridge crest. The infantry needed about 30 minutes of smoke to cover the distance with relative immunity to the CCF machine guns firing from bunkers tucked away among 440’s rocky ledges. But they had bounded not more than half the distance before all weapons ran out of smoke. The commander said this about it: “It was all due to lack of practice. We laid the smoke on too heavy in the beginning even before we had moved into the right area.I believe in the use of smoke, particularly in the attack. But this was the first time I’ve used it - with mortars - for screening since I’ve been in the Theater. Consequently the mortars had cut down on the amount they carry for our support, and when called on to use it, they couldn’t apportion it, evenly, according to the time required to work out the maneuver.”
Among the suggestions put forward by various commanders for modifying the 81-mm so as to make it more useful to the infantry regiment there were the following:
 Lighten it in “any manner possible” to increase its cross-country mobility.
Build it so that it could be broken down from a long barrel to a short barrel, thus making a lighter pack possible while preserving its heavy punch at the short ranges.
 Sectionalize the base plate so that the load can be distributed.
Alter metallurgically or in design the elevating screw, the breaking and rapid wearing of which is now the chief structural weakness in the weapon.
The unreliability of 60-mm ammunition in several types is the cause of chief criticism of the weapon in Korean operations.
In test firing of the 60 illuminating shell along the Imjin River in January 1951, the 25th Infantry Division found that the ammunition was approximately 35 percent defective. The round would leave the tube but would not produce a light.
Firing in combat, under more extreme cold, the 1st Marine Division at Koto-ri and Hagaru-ri got 80 to 90 percent negative results with the same round in the November battle.
The WP round has also performed spottily; more failures are reported with the 60 than with the 81 WP. It is conservative to say that during winter operations at least one in every five WP 60-mm rounds failed.
因此,虽然49% 的美国士兵有良好的臂力可用于投掷,我们的投弹战术却在很大程度上只能算是普普通通,尽管到处都有偶尔的出色表现。
敌人的这些战术选择,再加上他们缺乏执行它们的天赋,本来可以在随之而来的依靠臂力交锋的战斗中给与我们一项宝贵的优势。要是我军士兵曾准备过这种战斗,为此进行过训练, 了解开始和发展战斗时如何补给,(他们就能够取得这种优势)。然而实际情况却不是这样。的确,对于任何一种武器,如果只对它进行一般地、肤浅地而不是坚强有力、富有想象力的训练,士兵们就会低估它潜在的战斗价值,忽视“未与敌军接触时应节约弹药”的原则,而且,在战斗开始后不能迅速领会如何根据形势使用武器。除非战士们特别接受过投弹教学,他们便不能以投弹手的思维考虑问题。迄今为止在约30年的时间里,陆军低估了系统地进行投弹训练的价值和在每个步兵连里配备数名投弹专家的极度必要性。在朝鲜,我们不得不为这项疏忽付出代价。
As happened with Grant’s troops in the Vicksburg campaign, the hand grenade has become of ever-increasing importance in the Korean fighting because the ground and the enemy’s use of it necessitated a return to this weapon. Practically without exception, all in-fighting in Korea is attended by hand-grenade action. In comparison to the numbers engaged, use of the hand grenade by American troops in Korea is manifold what it was in either World War I or II.
For this our forces were ill-prepared in point of training; in the early stages, appreciation of the usefulness of the grenade (both hand and rifle) was at a low ebb; there were few specialists at hand who were prepared to coach others; within the squad, men did not know how to organize as a grenade team for the systematic bombing-out of ground; there was little or no control over grenade supply, which resulted in large wastage. That the situation has gradually improved is due to what has been learned through combat trial and error.
In sum, the grenade is one of the main weapons of the fighting, but training had never anticipated any such condition, Unfortunately, that has been pretty much the training history of this weapon since 1918, when grenade practice, in anticipation of trench-raid operation and the clearing of traverses, was rather thorough. In more recent years, we have proceeded more or less according to the theory that since an average American knows how to throw a rock, it is a waste of training time to devote any large amount of attention to grenade technique.
In consequence, though approximately 49 percent of American troops have good throwing arms, our grenade tactics are for the most part mediocre, with just here and there an occasional brilliant performance.
In its practical effects, grenading in uneven hill country is not unlike going against a trench system or a fortified hedgerow. There is dead space which can be used for the bomber’s protection. One strong-armed thrower can clean out, all ground 20-35 yards to his fore. Part of his team can cover him when he rises to throw. He can be kept supplied by relay. Under cover of the explosion, the group can bound ahead. There is nothing complex about this procedure; but men do have to be organized for it, and its success usually hinges around the selection of the key man. In daylight attack against dug-in positions along the ridge crests, there isn’t anything else in tactics which is more likely to close the last gap. Even so, there is no general application of this method by our infantry in the hilltop fighting because none has been taught. Only now and then an inspired junior leader or a determined squad empirically puts it into effect and discovers that it works.
In night defense, efficient use of the hand (and rifle) grenade would have given American forces a heavy advantage in the early stages of the campaign against CCF. The Chinese fancy themselves to be grenadiers; also, they were suffering from the illusion that American troops were unduly fearful of this weapon and that it had an extremely demoralizing effect upon them, (This is known because of the capture, during the November battle, of a secret, CCF paper on weapons usage in the attack which categorically stated these propositions, and because the tactics pursued followed this instruction absolutely.) But the enemy was mistaken on both counts, as was proved time and again in the early fighting. The CCF were not physically suited to aggressive use of this weapon, being weak-armed throwers. Our troops had toward the Chinese grenade (light potato-masher type) a scorn bordering on contempt.
The enemy’s election of these tactics, combined with his lack of natural aptitude for them, would have given us a priceless advantage in the arm’s length fighting which followed, had our men been prepared by training and the state of their supply to recognize the opening and exploit it. Such was not, the case. It is true of any weapon that when training is generally of superficial character, instead of being vigorous and imaginative, troops will put a low estimate on the probable fighting value of the weapon, be careless of its conservation when not in contact with the enemy, and, after the fighting starts, will be slow to see how use of the weapon should be applied to the situation. Men in battle cannot think as grenadiers unless they have been specially schooled as grenadiers. For almost 30 years now the Army has discounted the value of systematic grenade training and the pre-eminent worth of having a few grenade specialists in each infantry company. The price for this neglect has been exacted in Korea.
When our forces began to engage CCF, they were in no wise prepared for the exchange at short range. Rifle-grenade launchers had been thrown away. The troops had carelessly disposed of their hand grenades during the advance. When re-issue was effected on the spot, it was too late to school the company in the efficient use of the grenade in night defense toward the end that the weapon could be conserved for timely use against suitable targets instead of exploded to make noise over relatively empty terrain. The troops knew little or nothing about how to use grenade fire and bullet fire in combination. It was not seen that for the good of the company the best results would ensue if a larger share of grenades were given to the strong-armed and active throwers. All that was done with respect to employment of this weapon was uncoordinated and haphazard.
Not, having been grenade-trained, junior leaders did not recognize that the tactica1 situation in the night fight was made to order for the illuminating rifle grenade, the hand grenade, and close-range fragmentation bombing of the revealed targets. In consequence they did not press upon higher command any demands for these materials. Weeks passed before men within the squads began to recognize these possibilities and to improvise methods which would give greater effectiveness to their own grenading.
One of the main lessons of the Korean campaign is that the grenade school should be restored by the Army and used in about, the same way as during World War I to promote systematic and intelligent understanding of the weapon throughout the service.
在零度以下的战斗中,手榴弹对使用者自身是个非常严重的威胁。因为寒冷,手榴弹的栓销很难拔开,因此在投弹前必须脱下手套。只要握住这些冰冷的金属几秒钟,手指就会冻僵。尽管使用者的握持时间只足以使栓销松动并将手榴弹投出,在多个步兵连中仍因此产生了冻伤。此外,在冬季战斗中,放在开在散兵坑侧面的泥搁架上的手榴弹,很快会从半冻结的地面上吸收潮气因而失效。很多连级军官得出这样一个结论: 由于上述原因,目前的这些手榴弹在零下20℃或更低气温下是无用的。
In sub-zero operations the hand grenade is a source of deadly danger to the user. The pin is hard to extract because of the cold; therefore the mitten must be removed prior to throwing. The cold metal, held in the hand for only a few seconds, will freeze the fingers. Infantry companies took frostbite losses from this cause even though the users held the bomb only long enough to work the pin loose and get the grenade away. Furthermore, in the winter fighting, grenades placed on a dirt shelf cut into the side of the foxhole soon absorbed moisture from the half-frozen ground and became inoperative. Many company officers reached the conclusion that for these reasons the present grenade is useless during in-fighting in temperatures running -20 and lower.
Under the conditions of the night perimeter defense, it is impossible to make any estimate of the effectiveness of American grenading upon enemy action. Interrogation shows only that perhaps an excessive percentage of grenade is used in genera1 fire, resulting in subsequent shortages during the crisis when there are live targets within close range. There are very few clean-cut examples of an enemy group being stopped or destroyed by concentrated use of the grenade during close action, and even fewer examples of leadership directing coordinated use of the weapon in situations well suited to it.
The grenade is not used as extensively for mop-up purposes in Korea as during World War II operations because of the enemy’s general lack of heavy installations, other than the hilltop bunkers, which are usually knocked out by flat-trajectory weapons before the grenadiers can close in. However, when the infantry has no recourse but to take the position by direct assault, the sing of a few grenades through the embrasures is the accustomed coup de grace.
There are no examples of the use of rifle grenades. The weapon was not used during any of the operations included in the analysis, except by the CCF enemy. Rifle grenades could have proved useful in the hilltop fighting; the distance between the engaging sides was usually such that its range was appropriate. But the launchers had been thrown away.
Except for operations in extreme cold, the issue explosive-type grenade is generally satisfactory to the tactical need in the Korean fighting.
The more experienced troops comment, however, that the serrated, modified Mills bomb is more practical for both offensive and defensive uses, so long as it is employed offensively by an average strong-armed thrower. This would include individuals who have played baseball or have had considerable experience with passing the football in their high school years or later. There are always such men in a company. They can use the weapon in a natural way and they are more likely to get it on the target.
In the company actions taken under study, all of which made some use of the hand grenade, there is no instance of an American casualty resulting from our own grenade fire, either in consequence of a premature explosion or from being too close to the impact area.
The percentage of dud grenades is so small as to be inconsequential except in extreme cold weather; on the other hand, the figures indicate that somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of CCF grenades do not fire because of defects either in the mechanism or in the handling.