
主题:最近对各国政治领导力的一点感想 -- 仲明

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铁手限制一个主题12小时不能多次回复,我现在一起回复你们俩 @陈王奋起 , @夕曦 。感谢铁手让我昨天免于熬夜。你们说那些材料是生物武器证据有两个理由。一是鼠疫相关课题研究已经过时,除了生物武器,没有机会得到基金支持。我上一个补充贴找到今年四月发表的科研文章,显然否定了这个逻辑。二是美国国防部支持的项目,所以是生物武器。我又随手一搜,本月刚在公开杂志发表的两个研究,都是美国国防部支持的。很显然不是生物武器的研究。所以你们的这个逻辑也不成立。

其中第一个研究出版时间2022-05-10,基金单位之一:United States Department of Defense 基金编号W81XWH-21-10340,W81XWH-18-1-0308。第二个研究出版时间MAY 4 2022,基金单位之一:United States Department of Defense 基金编号W81XWH-18-1-0424。

我个人觉得,论坛吵架,有理说理,有事说事,不要立人设。说“我是美国教授”,和“我是习近平”成本都是0,并不能帮助别人认可你的水平。唯一体现你的水平的地方,就是你在论坛的发言。就我的看人经验, @夕曦 网友最多是个资深博士后水平,不管在美国还是中国都拿不到教职。我上学的时候,我的一个做科研的校友给学习好的同学传授经验,我这个差生恰巧也顺带听见了,他说,你们如果有机会走上科研道路,写东西要让聪明的外行看得懂才算写得好。我觉得能拿到教职的人,能够不仅讲正确,还能给外行讲清楚的。当然我没有看不起美国博士后的意思。我一个地方学校毕业,常年为了温饱撅着腚干,给年轻人做牛做马的临时工,不管是知识、能力还是财富都无法和一个美国博士后相比。但是我在西西河说话是想过之后说的。话对不对大家根据事实和逻辑判断,不依赖于我的人设。我不会说,“以我一个院士的水平,保证这是对的。”这没有意义,首先我不是院士,即便我是院士,也无法证明,万一证明了,说话前后矛盾,和事实不符给大家笑话,不仅丢自己的脸,还丢院士群体的脸。所以,如果你觉得人格被侮辱了,看看自己说的话和事实的对比,是不是相符。在不做身份验证的公开论坛,除了你自己,没有人能侮辱你的人格。



Hedgehog signaling and its molecular perspective with cholesterol: a comprehensive review

Kaushal, JB (Kaushal, Jyoti B.) [1] ; Batra, SK (Batra, Surinder K.) [1] , [2] ; Rachagani, S (Rachagani, Satyanarayana) [1] , [2]


Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is evolutionarily conserved and plays an instructional role in embryonic morphogenesis, organogenesis in various animals, and the central nervous system organization. Multiple feedback mechanisms dynamically regulate this pathway in a spatiotemporal and context-dependent manner to confer differential patterns in cell fate determination. Hh signaling is complex due to canonical and non-canonical mechanisms coordinating cell-cell communication. In addition, studies have demonstrated a regulatory framework of Hh signaling and shown that cholesterol is vital for Hh ligand biogenesis, signal generation, and transduction from the cell surface to intracellular space. Studies have shown the importance of a specific cholesterol pool, termed accessible cholesterol, which serves as a second messenger, conveying signals between smoothened (Smo) and patched 1 (Ptch1) across the plasma and ciliary membranes. Remarkably, recent high-resolution structural and molecular studies shed new light on the interplay between Hh signaling and cholesterol in membrane biology. These studies elucidated novel mechanistic insight into the release and dispersal of cholesterol-anchored Hh and the basis of Hh recognition by Ptch1. Additionally, the putative model of Smo activation by cholesterol binding and/or modification and Ptch1 antagonization of Smo has been explicated. However, the coupling mechanism of Hh signaling and cholesterol offered a new regulatory principle in cell biology: how effector molecules of the Hh signal network react to and remodel cholesterol accessibility in the membrane and selectively activate Hh signaling proteins thereof. Recognizing the biological importance of cholesterol in Hh signaling activation and transduction opens the door for translational research to develop novel therapeutic strategies. This review looks in-depth at canonical and non-canonical Hh signaling and the distinct proposed model of cholesterol-mediated regulation of Hh signaling components, facilitating a more sophisticated understanding of the Hh signal network and cholesterol biology.

1 Univ Nebraska Med Ctr, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol, Omaha, NE 68198 USA

2 Univ Nebraska Med Ctr, Fred & Pamela Buffet Canc Ctr, Eppley Inst Res Canc & Allied Dis, Omaha, NE 68198 USA


Intra-epithelial non-canonical Activin A signaling safeguards prostate progenitor quiescence

Cambuli, F (Cambuli, Francesco) [1] , [2] , [10] ; Foletto, V (Foletto, Veronica) [1] ; Alaimo, A (Alaimo, Alessandro) [1] ; De Felice, D (De Felice, Dario) [1] ; Gandolfi, F (Gandolfi, Francesco) [3] ; Palumbieri, MD (Palumbieri, Maria Dilia) [1] ; Zaffagni, M (Zaffagni, Michela) [1] ; Genovesi, S (Genovesi, Sacha) [1] ; Lorenzoni, M (Lorenzoni, Marco) [1] ; Celotti, M (Celotti, Martina) [1] ; Bertossio, E (Bertossio, Emiliana) [1] ; Mazzero, G (Mazzero, Giosue) [4] ; Bertossi, A (Bertossi, Arianna) [1] ; Bisio, A (Bisio, Alessandra) [1] ; Berardinelli, F (Berardinelli, Francesco) [5] , [6] ; Antoccia, A (Antoccia, Antonio) [5] ; Gaspari, M (Gaspari, Marco) [7] ; Barbareschi, M (Barbareschi, Mattia) [4] ; Fiorentino, M (Fiorentino, Michelangelo) [8] ; Shen, MM (Shen, Michael M.) [2] ; Loda, M (Loda, Massimo) [9] ; Romanel, A (Romanel, Alessandro) [3] ; Lunardi, A (Lunardi, Andrea) [1]


The healthy prostate is a relatively quiescent tissue. Yet, prostate epithelium overgrowth is a common condition during aging, associated with urinary dysfunction and tumorigenesis. For over thirty years, TGF-beta ligands have been known to induce cytostasis in a variety of epithelia, but the intracellular pathway mediating this signal in the prostate, and its relevance for quiescence, have remained elusive. Here, using mouse prostate organoids to model epithelial progenitors, we find that intra-epithelial non-canonical Activin A signaling inhibits cell proliferation in a Smad-independent manner. Mechanistically, Activin A triggers Tak1 and p38 MAPK activity, leading to p16 and p21 nuclear import. Spontaneous evasion from this quiescent state occurs upon prolonged culture, due to reduced Activin A secretion, a condition associated with DNA replication stress and aneuploidy. Organoids capable to escape quiescence in uitro are also able to implant with increased frequency into immunocompetent mice. This study demonstrates that non-canonical Activin A signaling safeguards epithelial quiescence in the healthy prostate, with potential implications for the understanding of cancer initiation, and the development of therapies targeting quiescent tumor progenitors.

1 Univ Trento, Dept Cellular Computat & Integrat Biol CIBIO, Armenise Harvard Lab Canc Biol & Genet, Trento, Italy

2 Columbia Univ, Irving Med Ctr, Herbert Irving Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Med Genet & Dev,Urol,Syst Biol, New York, NY 10027 USA

3 Univ Trento, Dept Cellular Computat & Integrat Biol CIBIO, Lab Bioinformat & Computat Genom, Trento, Italy

4 Santa Chiara Hosp APSS, Trento, Italy

5 Univ Roma Tre, Dept Sci, Rome, Italy

6 IRCCS Santa Lucia Fdn, Neurogenet & Mol Neurobiol Unit, Lab Neurodev, Rome, Italy

7 Univ Catanzaro, Dept Expt & Clin Med, Catanzaro, Italy

8 Univ Bologna, Dept Expt Diagnost & Specialty Med, Bologna, Italy

9 Cornell Univ, Dept Pathol & Lab Med, Weill Med Coll, New York, NY USA

10 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Sloan Kettering Inst, Mol Pharmacol Program, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10021 USA

@陈王奋起 ,阜外医院不是美国国防部项目,我之前给你回贴解释过为什么了,不必反复问。

@梓童 ,我看了一部分你引用的视频,我觉得作者在误导听众。视频不是文字,没办法准确引用原文。我只能大概说说。


以生物武器项目为例,我讲一个我们高中二年级,政治课上老师讲的论证原则。你要说某个项目是生物武器项目,先要提出一个大家公认的,或者实践检验的生物武器项目的鉴定标准,然后验证某个项目符合这些标准,才能说这个项目是生物武器项目。那么如果反驳,要么指出标准不对,要么指出这个项目不符合这个标准。比如上面 @夕曦 , @陈王奋起 ,两个网友(隐含)提出的标准是,受美国国防部资助的生物研究就是生物武器项目;我上面用两个本月发表的科研项目,事实举证这个标准不对。他们明确受美国国防部资助,但是显然不是生物武器项目。以及 @夕曦 说的另一个标准,鼠疫的微生物研究已经没有可创新之处,申请不到经费,所以鼠疫的研究就一定是生物武器项目。我在前一个补充贴已经证实,最近有同行评议的杂志发表鼠疫的微生物研究,而且不是生物武器项目,所以他的这个标准也不成立。如果依据的标准是错误的,逻辑上已经没有必要继续讨论,论证不成立。

当然,还有一个反证的办法,就是假设某个标准成立,换一个主语,看看是否推导出荒谬的结论。比如 @梓童 你提到的这个视频,有很多处情绪诱导的例子。美国在乌克兰资助某项目,若干年(记不住数字,大概是3,假设X吧)后,某地爆发流行病,死了人,所以指证,这个项目是生物武器项目。那么,反过来,我们可以找出全世界发生的死了人的流行病事件,然后倒查X年,在这期间这个国家的生物研究项目是不是都是生物武器项目?我不承认这个逻辑,但是不仅你引用的视频作者承认,班农等诬陷新冠是武汉病毒所生物武器项目的视频up主也承认这个逻辑。




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